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Minions Are the Face of Public Health

hospital minions

Friends and family working in the NZ medical industry unequivocally toed the line when it came to enforcing the Covid vaccination mandates, including jabbing their own children with the experimental, partially tested and completely new technology. Without question.

This surprised me, and I wondered why public health employees, the face of the public health system, would put their own families at potential risk if the vaccine failed to live up to expectations.

The answer is in their job descriptions. Employees in public health are merely minions in the chain of command and minions aren’t designed to change the instructions they receive.  Changes can only be made by more powerful people with more influence.

Minions simply follow orders with the threat of job loss hanging over their heads if they are seen to contradict directives; with the added risk of losing future employment if they are considered renegades.

Minions, by their nature, are perfect for implementing instructions without question. They are the face of public health.

UK MP Andrew Bridgen spoke in the UK parliament this week asking to end the mRNA shots because “they don’t work and they’re not safe” imploring the “scientists, the medics and those in the media who know the truth about the harm these vaccines are causing to our people to speak out”.

Decision makers in the public health system are people who rose to the top of the regulatory bodies governing public health, quite likely financially motivated to stay there.

The clash between the vaccinated and the unvaccinated reflects an underlying clash, a difference in motivation within the established health system.

I observed that the doctors who refused to recommend the experimental vaccine, such as Matt Shelton, were already supportive of alternative methods of treating people outside of the pharmaceutical industry where treatment does not necessarily involve prescription drugs.

For example, health issues, such as pre-diabetes or an increased risk of stroke can be managed by making dietary and lifestyle changes along with constant monitoring thus avoiding the traditional and more widely accepted option of taking medication for the rest of your life.

It was doctors who gave credence to the power of lifestyle changes and diet who questioned the need for mandatory vaccination and were made pariahs.

Pharmaceutical companies control the NZ medical system to such an extent that NZ doctors who refused to mandate the Covid vaccine were struck off the register of physicians.

Keep quiet and keep your job applies to everyone in the chain of command in public health, including parliamentarians as UK MP Bridgen pointed out.

“The ministers, may understandably wish to defer responsibility for a decision such as withdrawing the vaccines from the population to the regulators such as the MHRA, or in America it could be the FDA.

Historically we are not going to take the approval of any drug where the regulators themselves ultimately end up relying on the summary results of the drug companies in their sponsored trials where the raw data is kept commercially confidential.

Furthermore, the MHRA has a huge financial conflict of interest, receiving 86% of its funding from the pharmaceutical industry they are supposed to regulate.

They are not rigorous, they’re no independent, they are selective – and they withhold data.

Doctors and patients must appreciate how deeply and extensively drug regulators can’t be trusted, so long as they’re captured by the industry funding.

MP Andrew Bridgen UK Parliament

The extraordinary power of pharmaceutical companies has created bias throughout public health. It is a monster so entrenched that it is hard to imagine easy redress.


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