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Miracle Cure for Paedophilia – Put on a Dress!

Trust him… he’s a woman. The BFD. Photoshop by Lushington Brady.

Is there a more openly, violently misogynist ideology than transgenderism? Outside of Iran or Afghanistan there are few ideologies whose members so often threaten women with violence, or have the police arrest and detain women who openly criticise their ideas.

Real women, that is. Not pretendy men in dresses.

As I’ve written before, there is too often something deeply creepy about late-onset male-to-female transgenders. A great many of them have life histories of abuse and violence directed at women.

And worse.

A dangerous sex offender — once convicted of an evil plot to set up a child abuse ring in Thailand with fellow paedophiles he met in prison — is free in the community having transitioned to living as a woman.

And, of course, gullible — or gutless — judges and psychiatrists play along with it.

And a WA Supreme Court judge has said the decision by the 56-year-old, pictured, to change from he to she could reduce the risk of her reoffending against WA children.

Sure, and stitching wings on a pig could make them fly.

Court documents reveal how the former RAAF recruit was already an “entrenched paedophile” — who had committed more than 1000 child sex crimes — up to her incarceration in Casuarina in 2005.

That is where she met and befriended Mark Pendleton, a former primary school teacher who had abused 11 young girls during a five-year spree which ended when he was found in possession of 37 pairs of tiny knickers.

While in prison together — supposedly in a sex offender treatment program — the pair began planning a new life in Thailand on their release. That plan included setting up a business making porcelain dolls and employing poor local women as their workers. The children of those women were intended to be their victims […]

Prosecutors said she had effectively planned to turn an orphanage into a “child brothel”.

Note the obvious gaslighting, here: media are forced, under threat of prosecution, to refer to a man as “she” and “her”.

Nothing in this man’s history suggests that he is anything other than a dangerous, recidivist paedophile. Initially forced to take chemical castration drugs, once he ceased, he admitted to a “floodgate return of sexual thoughts”.

But, suddenly, pretend to be a woman, and, presto! its lifelong, unrelenting paedophilia is miraculously cured!

But forensic psychiatrist Gosia Wojnarowska said in her opinion, after the gender transition, “her social situation has improved and she feels more accepted by society and her transgender community”.

The West Australian

Something tells me that the latter, at least, is probably true — and not in a good way.

This is far from the only paedophile tranny getting turned loose in the hen-house.

A transgender paedophile duped staff into letting her stay for 71 days at a domestic violence refuge for vulnerable women and children […]

One refuge guest, a mum of three, told The Sun: “It’s horrific. As a victim of sexual abuse myself, the whole thing is triggering. I came here with my kids because I thought it was a safe place and to find out there was a paedophile living a few doors away for months is just horrendous.

“I saw her several times hanging around where the prams are parked.”

The Sun

To which, no doubt, transgender activists will simply respond, as they always do, “Shut the f-k up, TERF”.

Perhaps they’ll even extend an invitation to their fellow tranny to go and read storybooks in the local library.

Anything less is just “transphobic”.


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