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Monday Roll-up of News Stories From Around the World

green-leafed tree at daytime
Photo by Jan Huber. The BFD

Simon Black

Simon Black, as James Hickman is more commonly known, is the Founder of Sovereign Man. He is an international investor, entrepreneur and a free man. His daily e-letter, Notes from the Field, draws on his life, business and travel experiences to help readers gain more freedom, more opportunity and more prosperity.

Here’s our Monday roll-up of the most ridiculous stories from around the world that are threats to your liberty and risks to your prosperity… and, on occasion, inspiring poetic justice.

CDC Quietly Removes 72,000 COVID Deaths from Data

In early March, CDC data showed that one-third of all COVID deaths among children occurred during the Omicron surge.

But suddenly on March 14, the data changed. Now it shows that only about one-fifth of the (very few) deaths among children occurred during the Omicron surge.

Children 17 and under make up 22.3% of the US population, but account for less than .2% (one-fifth of 1%) of all COVID deaths.

The CDC explained in a footnote:

“An adjustment was made to COVID Data Tracker’s mortality data involving the removal of 72,277 deaths previously reported across 26 states. An error in CDC’s algorithm led to misclassifying deaths that were not COVID-19 related. The algorithm has since been corrected.”

Click here to see the data.

. . . meanwhile, CDC acknowledges massive mental health toll on teens

Wow, who knew that locking down an entire generation of young people, depriving them of critical needs, like education, social interaction, exercise and even fresh air, would have any negative effects??

Apparently, the CDC has finally realised this too.

In a study just released this morning, the same agency that cheered lockdowns and mask mandates, now acknowledges that “school closure and online-only instruction have negatively affected certain students.”

More than 40% of students surveyed report suffering from severe mental health trauma and have begun engaging in negative behaviour, including alcohol consumption. More than half report suffering abuse from their parents.

Click here to see the study.

European “Tree of the Year” Contest Disqualifies Russian Trees

The organisers of the European Tree of the Year Contest said they felt compelled to “join the activities aimed at the international isolation of Russia”.

Therefore, they have put “the Russian Federation out of the running for the international European Tree of the Year contest”.

But they want you to know that “This move is not directed against ordinary Russian women and men. … The exclusion of Russia from the competition is a step that must be understood in the context of international efforts to isolate Russia in order to stop the war.”

Yes, sanctions on bank accounts and confiscating yachts is nothing compared to the isolation felt knowing that a Russian tree will not win tree of the year.

Click here to read the announcement.

Physical Fitness is White Supremacy According to MSNBC

A recent article on MSNBC warns that Americans who are trying to lose weight and become more fit are being “radicalised” because “physical fitness has always been central to the far right”.

See if you can follow the logic of this article, which actually passes as “news”:

  1. The author claims that Hitler was “fixated on boxing and jujitsu”, therefore
  2. modern combat sports like Mixed Martial Arts must be full of White Supremacist Extremists, therefore
  3. ALL forms of fitness, including the new pandemic-induced online fitness trend, is a source of radicalization

Make sense?

To “prove” this dubious point, the author cites everything from January 6th to White Supremacy Groups. Apparently, there were some fit people who stormed the Capitol on January 6, therefore fitness = domestic terrorism.

I imagine there were also some people with two hands who stormed the Capitol. So perhaps having two hands also makes you an extremist?

How does anyone take these people seriously…?

Click here to read the full story.
