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Mongrel Mob Respond to National’s Tough on Gang Policies

DOMINICO ZAPATA/STUFF Waikato Mongrel Mob Kingdom Chapter president Sonny Fatupaito confirmed he was one of the 53 gang leaders who had a meeting with police about guns. He said it felt like a passive aggressive approach.


Contains content that will offend Mongrel Mob Gang Members.
Gang members are advised to seek the nearest Colonialism created safe space.
You were WARNED!

If you want a good chuckle I recommend reading two press releases from the Mongrel Mob in reaction to the National Party’s tough on gangs stance leading into the election year. The first chuckle has to be for the fact that a gang puts press releases out in the first place! The second chuckle is that the second press release is from a Women’s Chapter!  (I know! How progressive of them.)

Reading the press releases you could be forgiven for thinking that the Mongrel Mob is just a family-friendly Maori organisation that has been totally misunderstood, but then they haven’t changed their name, have they, and a mongrel doesn’t change its spots.

Just another friendly member of the Whanau Bro…honest.

Sonny Fatupaito from the Waikato Mongrel Mob Kingdom (It’s a kingdom now? Who is the king? is there a queen? I want to see what a mongrel mob princess looks like! I have so many questions) had this to say.

He started off by saying that he was “perplexed” as to why Simon Bridges declined his kind offer for him to participate in their “Mana Whanau Event.”

Mr Bridges ‘dog whistle’ politics are great at playing on people’s fears and anxieties but not so good at solving any problems. He is seeking to blame instead of seeking to understand.

I hear you Sonny! Yeah, all youse guys need is a little bit of love and understanding. I don’t know why that stupid Honky doesn’t getit. Oh wait… he is Maori! Soze I forgot LOL

We are the most discriminated, marginalised community of people
sad andre johnson GIF
Why is everybody always picking on me?
Not every gang member is a criminal and not every criminal is a gang member

Exactly Sonny! The Mongrel Mob have standards. Being a criminal is only for those members old enough to do the lag and then ONLY if they get caught eh Cuz?

[…] gang’s have their own whakapapa and origins, which are rooted deep within the injustices to Maori by way of imperialism, colonization, assimilation, racism, economic deprivation along with the commodification of our resources and our people. The impact of colonization is now having intergenerational effects, which have torn Whanau, Hapu and Iwi apart.

Chur Bro that Captain Cook has a lot to answer for eh? (Be honest, you didn’t write this, did you Sonny, that was quite a mouthful. “Commodification” of your resources? Really?) Then again Colonialism got you those choice motorbikes bro and all those sophisticated systems for growing your weed. How would your women and kids get provided for if it wasn’t for the benefits er sorry entitlements of colonialism?

Well, that’s enough nonsense from Sonny. Let’s hear what the Queen Wahine has to say from the Women’s Chapter of the Waikato Mongrel Mob Kingdom. Wait what…? The progressive Women’s chapter has as its spokeswoman Sonny Fatupaito? Either he is Transgender or the women are too busy fixing him some eggs so he has to speak on their behalf.

Oh dear. Not very progressive is it.
