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More AFR Sub-editor Incompetence

Shallow Focus Photo of Man Reading Newspaper
Photo by Andrea Piacquadio. The BFD.

Sir Bob Jones

Two days before Christmas, the subbie buffoon at the Australian Financial Review gave us these two pearls of incompetence.

The first about a CEO of the collapsed crypto FTX’s associated company Alameda, namely Caroline Ellison, read,

“Alameda’s Ellison pleads guilty to fraud. Faces 110 years in jail.”

Caroline is 28 years old. She does not face 110 years in jail unless she lives to 138. She faces such a sentence, which is a very different proposition.

In the same issue and probably the same sub-editor goose, another heading read, “The future is now and politics has to cope with the consequences”.

It’s impossible for the future to be now for if so, then it’s no longer the future.

The daily incompetence of the dying print media seemingly knows no bounds. Such headings would be inconceivable three decades back.

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