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More of Those Blood Clots That Don’t Matter

Blood clots are a life-threatening side-effect of the AstraZeneca vaccine. The BFD. Photoshop by Lushington Brady.

The COVID-19 vaccines are, like, the safest things in the history of medicine ever. If you harbour even the slightest doubt, even if you get all your other shots religiously, then you’re a wicked, horrible, granny-killing, baby-eating, kitten-trampling ANTI-VAXXER and you deserve to spend the rest of your life in prison.

Well, we haven’t got quite there yet, but don’t hold your breath. We already know that if you think that people shouldn’t be forcibly vaccinated, y’know, like medical ethics say, you’re an anti-vaxxer. We also know that if you express any doubts about the magical, chocolate-fountain COVID vaccines, Facebook will slap a big ol’ Zuck on your ass. We also know that Australia’s Therapeutic Goods Administration will call the Feds on you and want you to go to jail. We’re also being softened up to never be allowed to fly overseas, go to the footy, even have a beer at the pub, unless you let Dr. Frankencovid shove a needle up you.

Just ignore all those, um, side effects. You know: the ones that don’t exist, and don’t even matter if they do, and… wait, who’s that kicking in my door?

Pregnant mother Zoe Buhler is handcuffed and arrested in front of her family for the “crime” of posting on Facebook. The BFD.
Eight new cases of blood clots have been linked to the AstraZeneca vaccine rollout, with one patient rushed into intensive care.

The number of Australians affected by blood clots during the Covid vaccine rollout has now topped 40, according to the federal government’s health body.

The Therapeutics Goods Association (TGA) reported four confirmed cases of thrombosis with thrombocytopenia syndrome (TTS) likely to be linked to the AstraZeneca vaccine, and another four deemed probable[…]“One of the newly confirmed patients is currently critically unwell and is in intensive care,” the TGA revealed in its latest report.

Okay, 31 cases of blood clots in total in Australia. That doesn’t sound so bad. And it probably isn’t, really. Except…

Overall, there have been 16,983 adverse reports for the AstraZeneca vaccine and 7205 linked to Pfizer inoculations, or 5.8 per 1000 doses, since the rollout started.

Which is more than five times the rate of actual COVID infections.

Yes, most of those reactions will be “mild” (meaning, it seems, lying in bed and feeling like you’ve been run over by a truck, for days). But remember also that more than 99% of those with COVID infections will recover, mostly with only mild symptoms or even none at all. So forgive me if I’ve got my maths wrong, but it looks suspiciously to me that the risk of getting sick from the vaccines is greater than the risk of getting sick from the virus.

Forgive me, too, if I take the following with a grain of salt:

“With the ongoing risk of COVID outbreaks in Australia and the potential for severe long-term effects or fatal consequences of infection, the benefits for the AstraZeneca vaccine continue to outweigh the risks.”

The Australian

As I say: maybe I’ve done the maths wrong. I’d love to be corrected in the comments, so have at it, folks.

In the meantime: maybe the vaccine is as safe as a vaccine could be expected to be. So why the brickbats from governments and bureaucrats? Why are the tech giants bringing the hammer down if anyone expresses the least doubt?

Most of all, why the blatant double-standards? Yes, there is a tiny, if significant risk of harm from the vaccine: we accept that with every other vaccine, and get them anyway.

But, the individual risk from the virus is likewise small, if potentially significant.

So, why are we browbeaten that the one is nothing to worry about, yet told that the second is so horrifying that we have to shut down our countries for weeks, if not years, and subject ourselves to a “new normal”?

Do you smell bullshit, too?

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