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Hunter Biden Joe Biden censorship Twitter Facebook

Two weeks ago, I wrote an article bringing readers up to speed with Joe Biden’s history of dodgy family deals. It was to prepare readers with background information about a major scandal that former New York mayor Rudy Giuliani was getting ready to break.

Last week, the New York Times led the story. Rudy had been given a copy of a hard drive from Hunter Biden, Joe’s drug-addled son. My article noted Hunter’s expulsion from the military for cocaine use. Now we have pictures of him smoking crack. And worse images will be released.

But Hunter’s bad habits shouldn’t be used to smear his dad.

Except, as I had also mentioned, daddy used his political influence to get Hunter a board position on a major Ukrainian energy company. Now we have emails confirming Hunter’s $50,000 per month salary was to get access to Joe. No surprises there, and not important if Joe hadn’t publicly lied about it, saying he had nothing to do with Hunter’s business dealings.

The emails also confirm that then-Vice President Biden withheld US aid to Ukraine in order to get that country’s corruption investigator sacked after he started to look into Hunter’s company, Burisma. The Democrats tried to impeach Trump for interfering in Ukraine, which as it turns out, is exactly what Biden had done. The only difference was that Trump tried to get the corruption investigated.

Just to put Biden’s actions into perspective, the aid was US$1.8 billion. It has apparently gone missing as the bank it was transferred to is now in receivership.

I knew this was coming. What I did not know were the lengths Twitter and Facebook would go to censor the story in order to influence the election. Twitter even blocked the White Press Secretary’s account. This has made a lot of people angry and Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey has been subpoenaed by the US Senate Judiciary Committee.

There is much more to come out of this.

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