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More Spiders Emerge from the Rainbow Rocks

The BFD. Photoshop by Lushington Brady.

The further we plummet over the rainbow cliff of pro-paedophilia activism, the less and less they’re even hiding it. The spiders have well and truly crawled out from the rocks. More and more, we find that, when you scratch the surface of “LGBTQIA+”, you’ll find the “P” lurking underneath.

In Australia, the spearhead of grooming activism has often been what are passed off as “anti-bullying” and “sexuality education” programs in schools. In reality, they’re something very different, and much, much darker. One of the most notorious excrescences of this phenomenon was/is “Safe Schools”. While this was touted as an “anti-bullying program”, parents’ groups quickly noticed that it almost exclusively pushed Queer Theory talking-points.

Which should have surprised no-one: the program originated in a Queer Theory academic think tank. Its founder boasted that she teaches children “to be gay and communist”. A director of the think tank wrote several pro-paedophilia articles in the 1980s, and even recently was promoting the abolition of the Age of Consent

One of the partner organisations of Safe Schools is Minus18 — an “LGBTQIA+ youth” organisation. Minus18 was founded by the late Colin Roland Billing. Billing, according to himself:

Came up with a fundraising idea for PFLAG Victoria (Parents and Friends of Lesbians and Gays). I have often thought that nothing was being done for the underage Gay; Lesbian youth of Melbourne in a social sense. I suggested that PFLAG run an under 18 s PinkLight Discos (renamed Minus18 prior to the first event) […]

I retired as Convenor of Minus18 on 18th July, 2001 after 3 years and 20 events.


Why did he retire? According to gay newspaper Star Observer, Billing “left the organisation under controversial circumstances”.

Whatever could those “controversial circumstances” be? Here’s a hint:

Confidential documents containing the details of victims of sexual abuse were found dumped near shops in the Melbourne suburb of Burwood.

Detective Inspector Glen Davies says the files were found in a rubbish bin two weeks ago and have since been handed to police.

He says the documents are a brief of evidence and contain statements and the names, addresses and phone numbers of victims of Colin Roland Billing.

Billing was charged over the sexual assault of three teenage boys but died last year.

ABC Australia

Billing may have gone to face the ultimate judgement, but his earthly legacy slithers on. According to organisation LGB Defence Australasia, whose mission is “exposing the harm of gender identity ideology on LGB people, women and children”, Minus18 continues to violate children’s safety.

Minus18’s activities include:

* Hosting a closed FB group that includes only youth who have been to parties with a variety of ‘queer elders’
* Coaching children in “keeping stealthy online” from parental oversiteWebsite links to sex shops
* Creating avenues for predation by posting images of youth photo shoots
* Working with local queer youth groups to ensure parents are unaware of attendance at Minus18 formals


But, sure, tell us again that there’s no agenda.
