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More Sub-Editing Blunders (Stuff Again)

Shallow Focus Photo of Man Reading Newspaper
Photo by Andrea Piacquadio. The BFD.

Sir Bob Jones

“The Warehouse starts selling fresh fruit, veges”

The above, a recent Stuff site heading, reflecting the financially pressed Stuff’s inability to afford competent sub-editors. There are two possible interpretations from that heading for it to be justified as news.

One is that hitherto the Warehouse sold stale fruit and veges.

The other is if Stuff considers this innocuous announcement to be news, it’s because they believe other retailers sell stale fruit and veges.

On the same day that appeared Stuff advised in another heading that one reason for the cyclone was oceans becoming wetter (I’m not making this up).  This was quoting a Niwa ocean researcher Erik Behrens.

A competent sub-editor would have rephrased Behren’s statement. Water cannot become wetter.

Apparently what he meant was the oceans are being subject to greater rainfalls.

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