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Lindsay Mitchell

Lindsay Mitchell has been researching and commenting on welfare since 2001. Many of her articles have been published in mainstream media and she has appeared on radio, tv and before select committees discussing issues relating to welfare. Lindsay is also an artist who works under commission and exhibits at Wellington, New Zealand, galleries.

Most open and transparent govt ever. That’s what the Prime Minister, who charged herself with bettering outcomes for New Zealand children, promised.

I monitor the Ministry of Social Development’s website daily.

Thursday the following notice appeared:

Every five years, New Zealand reports to the United Nations about what they are doing to make sure children’s rights are met.

The government has apparently prepared a response and says:

We would like your feedback on how well the Government has responded to the issues raised by the Committee.


Submissions are welcomed and encouraged from

  • children and young people
  • forums that operate on behalf of children and young people
  • iwi and Maori engagement forums, particularly those that work with tamariki and rangatahi Maori
  • parents
  • interested individuals and experts
  • non-governmental organisations (NGOs)
  • professionals who work with children.

Wonderful. Inclusive. Participatory.

Except the notification appeared on Thrsday and…

The opening date for submissions and feedback is Tuesday 20 July 2021.

The closing date for submissions and feedback is Tuesday 31 August 2021.

So the notice appears 28 working days after the opening date and 3 working days before the submission closing date.

No, I’m not mistaken. MSD even dated the public notification:

This is a very shonky and incompetent government. Make no mistake.

Ardern will not want a report to the UN reflecting badly on her. The opportunity for criticism is minimised.

But 3 working days in lockdown is three days when many people may have time on their hands.

Make a submission. I’m going to.

I may even mention the lack of commitment to ‘open and transparent government’.

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