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This is what “speaking truth to power” really looks like. The BFD. Photoshop by Lushington Brady.

The first legal fallout of Tucker Carlson’s bombshell series of revelations about the January 6 riots has begun. A Proud Boys member, currently on trial over the unrest, has moved to dismiss the case.

Dominic Pezzola’s lawyers are arguing that the footage aired by Carlson — and kept from the American public for over two years — is “is plainly exculpatory”.

Remember: the entire “Jan 6” narrative has been built around the claim that it was a “violent insurrection”. That “insurrectionists” “stormed the Capitol” and violently tried to overthrow the government. The footage aired by Carlson shows what the government and media conspired to hide: that the incident really was “fiery, but mostly peaceful”. While a very small number of protesters really did degenerate into riot, almost all of them didn’t.

In fact, most of them, including some of the supposedly most “violent insurrections”, were calmly escorted around the building by police officers. Most trooped around like kids on a school outing, waving their little American flags.

“It establishes that the Senate chamber was never violently breached, and—in fact—was treated respectfully by January 6 protestors,” they said.

Among the clips Fox’s Tucker Carlson broadcast were moments where Jacob Chansley, another defendant who is serving a jail sentence after pleading guilty, was walking around accompanied by police officers. The officers did not stop Chansley and even tried opening doors for him. Chansley eventually made it into the Senate chamber, where he and others later knelt and prayed. Chansley, during the prayer, gave thanks to the officers for “letting us into the building.”

Chansely became the Public Enemy No. 1 of the official narrative: the “MAGA Shaman”. The unaired footage tells a completely different story than we were supposed to believe.

Pezzola also entered the Capitol, and prosecutors have argued that he and others being inside forced Congress, which was certifying electoral votes from the 2020 election, to go into recess.

Which is another of the farrago of lies told by the Biden administration and its legacy media bootlickers.

The new footage, though, shows that members “could have continued proceedings,” Pezzola’s attorneys said. “It was not Pezzola or codefendants who caused the Congress to recess. Congress interrupted its own proceedings.”

Lawyers for the defendants argue that the withholding of the video constitutes a violation a “Brady Violation”.

Prosecutors must provide defendants with evidence that can be exculpatory, or help defendants prove their innocence. The rule was crystallized in Brady v. Maryland, a 1963 Supreme Court decision. “Suppression by the prosecution of evidence favorable to an accused who has requested it violates due process where the evidence is material either to guilt or to punishment, irrespective of the good faith or bad faith of the prosecution,” the decision states.

Instead, the Jan 6 show trial has been withholding apparently exculpatory evidence for two years.

Zachary Rehl, another Proud Boys defendant, requested all information regarding Congress going into recess on Jan. 6 as early as late 2021 […]

Albert Watkins, who represented Chansley, said on Fox on Wednesday night that the footage the outlet aired this week had not been provided to him.

“The government knew that Jake had walked around with all of these police officers. They had that video footage. I didn’t get it. It wasn’t disclosed to me. It wasn’t provided to me,” Watkins said. “They had a duty, an absolute duty, with zero discretion to provide it to me so I could share it with my client.”

The FBI also stands accused of hiding a raft of data evidence.

FBI special agent Nicole Miller is being accused of hiding a tab in a spreadsheet that showed some of her emails.

Miller was testifying on March 8 when Nick Smith, a lawyer representing Proud Boys member Ethan Nordean, revealed the secret tab, leaving over one thousand hidden Excel rows of messages, Nordean’s attorneys said in a separate filing.

Miller said in one email that “my boss assigned me 338 items of evidence i have to destroy” and in another that colleagues should go into a confidential human source report and “edit out that I was present,” according to the filing.

The hidden emails featured Miller “admitted fabricating evidence and following orders to destroy hundreds of items of evidence,” Pezzola’s lawyers said, adding, “If justice means anything, it requires this case to be dismissed.”

The Epoch Times

These are just the beginning of the lies exposed by Carlson. Other footage shows that officer Brian Sicknick — whom the media and even Joe Biden have repeatedly claimed was beaten to death by protesters — was in fact walking around and escorting protesters, hours after he was supposed to be dead. Other video shows guards opening doors for protesters, even requesting that locked doors be opened.

Slowly, but surely, the lies are being exposed.
