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Photo by JillWellington. The BFD.

Concerned People’s law Counsel

Stanmore Bay Primary kids can breathe properly at last after a U-turn by their principal acknowledged an eight-year-old girl’s right to learn mask free.

Matt Sides, acting as principal of the primary school on Auckland’s North Shore, said the year five student can “actively choose to wear or not wear a mask” while at school, a decision that has been applauded by the Concerned People’s law Counsel (CPLC).

“No child is discriminated against at Stanmore Bay Primary” and “all teachers are aware of mask choice,” Matt told mother Louise Shadbolt.

Louise says was overjoyed and danced around the house for about 10 minutes after Matt let her know he had changed his stance and her daughter can once again breathe properly while learning at school.

The brave Mum from Red Beach last week served Matt with a lawful Notice of Liability.

The documents make it expressly known that under Common law, which holds “do no harm” as its fundamental tenet, Matt will be held personally accountable for any and all negative outcomes from covid indoctrination, mask use, or vaccination pressure on Louise’s child while under his care at school.

The CPLC says the principals and BOT members are personally liable as any decisions to allow experimental covid vaccinations on school grounds, or whether the kids are muzzled or inflicted with the state’s covid propaganda, rests on the heads of Boards of Trustees (BOT), which includes the principal.

CPLC spokesman Gene Sadler said Matt is to be congratulated for his call.

“Our trusted educators do not have to simply follow the state’s orders and mandates, especially if they are unlawful and cause harm to the children they have pledged to keep safe.”

Gene says muzzling kids causes them physical and psychological harm, and forcing them to do also breaches the Crimes Act 1961 Section 189A Strangulation or suffocation, which states; “everyone is liable to imprisonment for a term not exceeding 7 years who intentionally or recklessly impedes another person’s normal breathing, blood circulation, or both, by doing (manually, or using any aid) all or any of the following: (a) blocking that other person’s nose, mouth, or both”.

“It is as easy as just saying no, I am not passing on the state’s orders that harm the kids who have been entrusted to my care,” Gene says.

Some amazing principals and teachers are honouring students mask exemptions and are ensuring they are supported at school, while other principals are stepping outside the bounds of the law and are taking it upon themselves to enforce their own draconian rules around covid compliance.

Gene has called on other principals to follow the lead of Matt and other outstanding principals around New Zealand who are easing up on muzzling kids.

Matt had originally told Louise she would have to get a medicate certificate to prove the legitimacy of her daughter’s official mask exemption certificate.

Louise rightly informed him that the Ministry of Health’s mask exemption system is, and always has been, self-regulated. Exemption card holders do not have to reveal the “reason” for the exemption or pay for verification by a registered doctor.

“Where someone meets the criteria for exemption, it is important that they are supported,” Secretary for Education Iona Holsted told school leaders in her Ministry Bulletin issued on February 1

“It’s not always obvious why someone can’t wear a mask. For example, they may be victims of crime or experience mental health conditions. If not dealt with in a sensitive and respectful manner questioning someone’s eligibility for a mask exemption could unintentionally victimise people further.

“For those who have an exemption card, it is their choice whether they wear it publicly or not. No one should be required to wear an exemption card if they have one,” Secretary Holsted said.

New Zealand Doctors Speaking out with Science (NZDSOS) says masks do not work but do cause harm.

NZDSOS says ample evidence now exists that masks, including cloth, surgical and N95 masks do little to stop the spread of Sars-CoV-2.

“Besides the effects of discomfort, skin eruptions, acne, headaches, shortness of breath, impaired cognitive performance, hypercapnic hypoxia, decreased cardiopulmonary capacity, depression, fatigue and immunosuppression, masks may cause considerable distress in both the wearer and the observer, inducing fear and anxiety.

“Masks may also be a carrier of pathogenic microbes, increasing risk of respiratory infections and are a source of toxic microplastics and nano-graphene that are inhaled or swallowed,” NZDSOS stated in their Position Statement on Non-Pharmacological Measures released earlier this year.

The CPLC urges all parents to get their child a mask exemption so they can breathe properly again.
