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Muslims Expose the Truth of the Multicult

How did it all come to this?

This is not the Australian way. The Good Oil. Photoshop by Lushington Brady.

Opinion polls and bums-on-seats confirm it: Australians are rediscovering enthusiasm for their national day. After years of elitist finger-wagging, ordinary Australians in droves turned out to the beaches, parks and town squares to celebrate Australia and the Australian way of life.

The Australian way of life is a bit like jazz: if you have to ask, you’ll never know. The same elitist brow-furrowers who clutch their pearls about ‘Invasion Day’ are notably the same wankers – to use a good old Aussie word – who’ve spilled rivers of ink fretting over ‘Australian identity’. The rest of us just – to borrow a phrase from across the ditch – know it when we see it.

We also know what it isn’t. And one thing that it isn’t, is openly celebrating one of the worst acts of anti-Semitic terrorism in decades at one of the most iconic locations in Australia.

On October 9, 2023, two days after the massacre in Israel, on the steps of the non-denominational Sydney Opera House, hundreds of Muslims from Sydney – young, old, men and women – danced and celebrated Hamas and the atrocity they had committed in Israel.

An act of international terrorism was celebrated in Australia; the police watched and did nothing; the majority of the Australian people were horrified.

On that night the only person questioned by the police was an Anglican cleric carrying the flag of Israel. The police took it off him; they said it was for his own good.

None of that is in any way, shape or form, ‘Australian’. So, how did this happen?

Islamic terrorism is nothing new in Australia. The first terror attack on our soil took place in Broken Hill in 1915. The perpetrators were Muslims and answering a global call to jihad. (Trust the ABC, of course, to frame the Muslim terrorists as ‘the real victims’, and ‘not real Muslims’.)

Still, that initial outbreak of Islamic terror was where it stopped for decades. But two political decisions in the 1970s laid the groundwork for the string of Islamic terror attacks in the last 20 years. First, the Whitlam government made ‘multiculturalism’ an official policy (even if nobody could, or would, say exactly what it meant). Then, Whitlam’s successor, Malcolm Fraser, made the fateful decision to open-slather import Lebanese Muslims (over the desperate pleas of his advisors).

The Australian people have given sanctuary to many thousands of men women and children from the Middle East and of the Muslim faith. We were told that these people were deserving of a home in Australia and that many were genuine refugees; that they were escaping tyranny of civil war and oppression in their own homeland.

The Australian people – generous to a fault, as they’ve been for a long, long time – welcomed them into Australia and gave their support to the notion ethnic diversity would be good for multi-cultural Australia.

As Trevor Phillips, former head of the UK’s Commission for Racial Equality and its successor, the Equality and Human Rights Commission, conceded that he had made the fundamental mistake of assuming that Muslims would be just like previous waves of migrants: settling in and assimilating to the British way of life. Australians made the same fatal mistake.

Integration and assimilation for so many of these migrants and refugees has not only failed, but it has been rejected by them.

They have been happy to accept the benefits, perks and generosity of the Australian people, however, generations of migrants have refused our culture.

They have shown that the only way of life they want is the one they or their ancestors left behind to come to Australia.

This became brutally clear on 9 October, 2023. The lesson has been driven home with increasing extremism and open violence ever since, as hordes of Muslims (and their leftist camp followers) take to the streets of the major cities on a weekly basis, bellowing anti-Semitic slogans and parading their support for Islamic terror groups.

These people of the Muslim faith and from the Middle East have brought into Australia their prejudices and their hatred of the Jews.

They are now supporting the country and the politics they left behind when they claimed refugee status and scrambled into Australia looking for a safe haven; or at least that’s what they told us.

The clerics of their faith, the Imams and the Mullahs preach Islam’s hatred of the Jews. In their holy places, in their mosques, they have celebrated the killing of Jews.

These vicious thugs have even defaced the Australian War Memorial and Parliament House with Hamas symbols. Jewish-Australian children in Melbourne and Sydney have to conceal their identities and pass armed guards to enter their schools. Swastikas and anti-Jewish slogans deface walls and synagogues burn.

Is this the way it should be? Is this our Australia? Is this what previous generations of Australians fought and died for in two world wars?

What on earth is happening to us? Armed guards outside an Australian school!

This is not the Australia of Blinky Bill or Splodge or Mr Wombat; it is Australia with armed guards protecting children from those who would do them harm.

This isn’t Israel, this isn’t the Golan Heights or the West Bank, this is Melbourne and Sydney, Australia in 2025.

This is your country on multiculturalism. Multiculturalism was always a fraud – Muslims have just ripped the polite veil away.

Feeling enriched, yet?

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