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Muslims Make It All About Them, Again

‘What about us?’ they cry, as they torch synagogues.

‘We’re the REAL victims,’ they cry. The Good Oil. Photoshop by Lushington Brady.

Mark Steyn said it best, nearly a decade ago: ‘Muslims fear backlash from tomorrow’s terror attack’. Islam’s glass-jaw is notorious, but the ability of Muslims to make themselves ‘the real victims’ of every Islamic enormity is frankly almost impressive.

Following the horrific, homophobic Islamic terror massacre of a Florida gay nightclub, the New York Times fretted that it would just ruin the Ramadan holiday for Brooklyn’s young Muslims. When yet another swivel-eyed follower of the Prophet murdered hostages in a Sydney cafe, right-on Twitter users pledged to ‘ride with’ Muslims.

Now, as synagogues, Jewish schools and Jewish homes and cars are regularly set alight and thousands of Muslims and their leftist camp-followers bellow anti-Semitic slogans and praise Islamic terrorists… you guessed it: Muslims are the real victims. Yet again.

The political furore over social ­cohesion has escalated, with ­Anthony Albanese’s hand-picked ­Islamophobia envoy declaring we shouldn’t ignore the threat to Muslims “simply because we haven’t seen mosques torched or cars vandalised”.

In a new front on the debate to protect social harmony, Aftab Malik accused the Coalition of downplaying Islamophobia and cited the 2019 Christchurch massacre as a source of worry here.

So… he has to reach back over half a decade and to another country to justify his argument?

Meanwhile, he has the disgusting cheek to apparently imply that the horrific anti-Semitism that’s playing out near-daily is somehow being exaggerated.

First it was “fictitious” and now attacks against the Jewish community are “far more prolific”.

What’s his point, with that sentence? It sounds very much like he’s accusing ‘the Joos’ of playing the victim.

Even as he plays the victim.

It appears members of the Liberal Party are now wanting to keep a scorecard on acts of hate towards the Muslim and Jewish communities.

He says, as he keeps a scorecard.

As the special envoy to combat Islamophobia, I am deeply concerned about the framing used by opposition home affairs spokesman James Paterson in saying the number of attacks against Jews is “far more prolific” than against Muslims.

Except that, as anyone can see, they absolutely are. Where are the burning mosques? The attacks on Muslim schools?

Writing in the Australian, Mr Malik declares there were 932 reports of Islamophobia since the October 7, 2023, terror attacks in Israel – more than the previous eight years combined.

And his source? ‘Trust us, infidel: We’re Muslims.’ The ‘Islamophobia Register Australia’ ‘reporting tool’ is as easily circumvented as, as Ben Goldacre showed, the VAERS database. Its own reports concede that the vast bulk of incidents – supposed verbal abuse – are ‘coded’. That is, the alleged victims totally just reckon it was ‘Islamophobic’.

Meanwhile, synagogues are unequivocally and undeniably burning.

But wait, Lushy, are you saying that reports of ‘Islamophobia’ are to be distrusted?

You bet I am.

As the Fake Hate Crimes database shows, there has been an explosion of ‘hate crime’ hoaxes in recent years. Unlike the ‘Islamophobia Register’, these fake ‘crimes’ are fully documented. Although the database focuses on America, the prevalence of fake ‘hate crimes’ is well-documented in other Western countries.

The consequences of hate crime hoaxes can be horrific. As I previously reported, the beheading murder of French teacher Samuel Paty was precipitated by an entirely fictitious charge of ‘Islamophobia’ from a single Muslim student. That the student in question was female highlights another common factor in alleged ‘Islamophobia’ incidents. The Australian Islamophobia Register’s own report shows that almost all – four out of five – reports are made by Muslim women.

Muslim women and girls are also over-represented in fake ‘hate crime’ reports. Why is that?

Yasmin Seweid, a Muslim teenager who made international headlines after she claimed to be the victim of a hate-filled attack on the New York City subway earlier this month, was arrested on Wednesday after admitting to fabricating her story […]

According to reports by multiple media outlets, she made up the story due to family pressures at home.

The Muslim teenager whose lies killed Samuel Paty likewise made up her story to avoid having to tell her father that she’d been suspended.

Robina Niaz, founder of Turning Point for Women and Families, an organization for Muslim women and girls based in Flushing, New York, says the pressure on Muslim women and girls, especially those who wear head coverings and are visibly Muslim, is enormous.

And making up stories about so-called ‘Islamophobia’ is the answer?

Apparently for the likes of Aftab, the most important thing is to paint Muslims as ‘victims’, even as Muslims routinely terrorise others.

Notably, Aftab has said nothing about the wall of silence from Islamic community leaders regarding the explosion of violent anti-Semitism. Nor has he said anything about the thousands of Muslims who stormed an October 7 vigil at the Sydney Opera House, chanting ‘Gas the Jews’.

No, it’s only ever about whining that Muslims are ‘the real victims’.

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