14th February 2021
A graphic photo of gunshot wounds to the head is included in this report.
Here is an update on the previous report. If it doesn’t read smoothly my apologies but I am reporting as news comes in before the internet shuts down.
Insurgents and alleged agents provocateur were detained by demonstrators at Myoung Tha Kar Industrial zone, Yangon. They were allegedly caught with 48 bullets and 1 gun shared between 7 people.
An ethnic Chin was killed by a military truck after being detained. He was named as Salai Khwa Kone, a member of the CDM. (Civil Disobedience Movement).
The Dabak Mali electric power station of Myitkyina has been now raided and occupied by the military junta. This will probably result in power being turned off in the city.
In Mytkina there are reports of one confirmed death with more being reported. Hundreds of injuries are also reported.
There are now 7 journalists detained in Mytkyina, from74 Media, Mizzima, EPN and Eleven news.
Just a short update as news is drying up. I will update if anything else becomes available, but the sources are very frightened and the shutdown is 30 minutes away.
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