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Civil Square 16 Dec 2021. Photo credit: The BFD

Freedoms & Rights Coalition

The Freedoms & Rights Coalition masses have taken to The Capital’s streets marching towards Parliament with a purpose….LABOUR MUST GO!

We are marching to Parliament because:

• Traffic Lights are not right!
• Mandates segregate!
• They want to Jab Junior in January!
…and much more!

We have had enough of Labour’s Control! Actually….we’ve had enough of all politicians. None of them care about us, the people. We need a total cleanout of the Beehive!

Today is New Zealand’s National Day of Protest. It’s time for Political Change! New Zealand’s political system no longer serves the people, and needs total reform!

Parliament are obviously getting the message loud and clear, and they’ve adjourned sitting in Parliamentary Chambers early as they take the time to pack up their offices today (lol we can only hope). Either that, or they’re running scared as they tell public servants to stay home, fearing the backlash of the people today as they know their performance appraisal from their employer (the people), is incredibly poor and warrants their instant dismissal. They have not served the people!

The Freedoms & Rights Coalition are throwing their Farewell Party on Parliament Steps, with or without them…bon voyage…we do not want them to return in the New Year. We’ve had enough of the excessive overreach and control of this government.

It’s time that this government gets their stickybeaks out of our lives and allows us to get on with living with COVID-19.

Today’s speakers at The Freedoms & Rights Coalition protest include representatives from NZDSOS (NZ Doctors Speaking Out with Science), Voices for Freedom, Social Media Influencer and Artist…Sesh, youth voices, a retired ACC advisor and current advocate for those suffering vaccine injuries, personal stories from those suffering the consequences of vaccine deaths and injuries, and The Freedoms & Rights Coalition Team. We will also be reading out a statement from the Chief Human Rights Commissioner that he has given to The Freedoms & Rights Coalition team.

Today is going to be a great day for the people of New Zealand, as we stand, as we fight, to preserve and protect our Freedoms & Rights.

National Day of Protest 16 Dec 2021. Photo credit: The BFD
National Day of Protest 16 Dec 2021. Photo credit: The BFD
Crowd swelling. Over 30 cops plus security and surveillance. Far more than last time.
Crowd swelling. Over 30 cops plus security and surveillance. Far more than last time.
National Day of Protest 16 Dec 2021. Photo credit: The BFD
National Day of Protest 16 Dec 2021. Photo credit: The BFD
National Day of Protest 16 Dec 2021. Photo credit: The BFD
National Day of Protest 16 Dec 2021. Photo credit: The BFD
Civil Square 16 Dec 2021. Photo credit: The BFD

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