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National Gets Some Maggie Thatcher Style Treatment

get out kicked out thrown out fired leave

Those of us who watch The Crown will have had their memories refreshed by the episodes featuring Margaret Thatcher as Prime Minister. With basically an all-male cabinet and inner circle, she ruled with an iron fist, hence her nickname the Iron Lady. She took no nonsense from any of them and, for most of her term as Prime Minister, what she wanted she got. As the leader of the “dry” faction of the Conservatives, she purged the “wets” and took full control. Eventually, it was her opposition to full European integration and the poll tax which led the party to unseat her as leader.

This week it became apparent that Judith Collins is now showing some of that steel. A Margaret Thatcher type leader is something the National Party sorely needs right now and in Judith, we have that person.

Claire Trevett’s article in the Herald earlier this week is proof of that. The story goes like this. Collins was alerted to a conversation Todd Muller had with Newsroom concerning Harete Hipango, the returning National MP replacing Nick Smith. The comments he made were unflattering. Collins spoke to Muller and he admitted it. She told him to resign and he refused. There followed a “brutal” caucus meeting. In Trevett’s words, the meeting had all the drama of a documentary on a herd of wild animals battling at the savannah waterhole.

Bring in the Thatcher likeness. Collins called the meeting for 10pm on Tuesday night and gave an ultimatum – either Muller left voluntarily or caucus would suspend him.

As Trevett notes this was a potentially risky move for her as it doubled as a vote of no confidence in the leader. If a leader puts up a vote on something that significant and loses, then it is a vote against the leader. Trevett says while there is some disquiet over how Muller was dealt with given his health issues, Collins knew it was time to make an example of someone over leaking. Unfortunately for Muller, he was the fall guy.

A good and timely move by Collins. The message is now clear to all National MPs. Leak and you leave. This nonsense has to stop.

The message is now clear to all National MPs. Leak and you leave. This nonsense has to stop.

Matthew Hooton, in his article, says to call what National MPs do to one another “leaking” gives them too much credit. He says leaking is when a right-wing National MP gives a journalist a document of a left-wing policy proposal with the aim of discrediting it and stopping it or vice-versa. This involves a certain integrity. He goes on to say that National MPs just slag one another off in general terms. It’s the playground politics of 12-year-olds. Who would disagree? Slagging each other off to the media displays naïvety in the extreme. It also invites articles like Hooton’s.

Hooton has National in the Hospice but points out some people do make it out alive and Collins is their best option if National is going to be among them. With that Hospice comment one could genuinely ask if Hooton has an axe to grind.

Last Monday I heard Andrew Bayly speak at a morning tea event. In terms of financial nous he leaves the current Finance Minister looking like he needs to check if 1 + 1 = 2. What Andrew did imply was that there would be the types of meetings Trevett described where the majority of the caucus were fed up with the shenanigans. I am pleased we have evidence of the point he was making.

There is no doubt Judith is the best person to bring National back to public relevance. The fact that she did an execution knowing she could also be for the guillotine shows a determination to start to engender some much-needed discipline back into the party.

In an answer to a question of mine, Andrew Bayly did not give an unqualified ‘yes’ regarding the entire caucus backing Judith as the leader. Well, after the events of this week, my advice to all MPs is to get in behind. That is the best way to protect your own behind.

Judith, in my view, has now put her stamp on her leadership. Those who are not happy should look for the nearest door. From my perspective you shouldn’t be surprised if it hits you on your backside on the way out. If it does, the bruise it leaves will complement the one on your ego.

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