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National launches A.I generated ‘Luxon 2000’

Luxon robot AI

John Black

‘Our A.I consultants have recommended we replace our human leader with a new improved A.I version’ announced National chief political strategist, Roger Slick. ‘The improvements include hair, political judgement, charisma and the ability to shoot lasers from his eyes.’

Although initially wary, the National caucus was soon won over to the idea.

‘He’s much warmer and personable…he brings homemade scones to our caucus meetings’, said one National M.P. ‘He generates a lot of new policy ideas…and he can tell you pi to ten thousand decimal places,’ said another.

Experts have predicted if Luxon 2000 is successful soon other politicians may be replaced by robots. ‘The Greens are working on their own solar-powered version but given Wellington weather it can’t make it through a press conference without shutting down’, added Slick. ‘ACT is way ahead…all their M.Ps have already been replaced by androids…but nobody noticed…’
