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Nearly $2 Billion and Just Five New Beds

Image credit The BFD.

In a classic case of quantity over quality, the Government has managed to add just five new youth mental health beds after allocation of nearly two billion dollars:

In Budget 2019 the Government announced $1.9 billion for mental health – $235 million of that was allocated to building mental health and addiction facilities.

The Ministry of Health told Newshub that almost all of it has been committed but they couldn’t say how much had been spent.

“I don’t know where that money’s gone but from a person in the community and a patient, I don’t see it at all,” says Kiana.

The Prime Minister couldn’t say on The AM Show on Monday morning how many extra beds that record investment created for acute youth.

“That’s not something that I can share with you right off the bat,” she said.

But Newshub can reveal the grand total of new acute mental health beds is just five.


I think Labour were looking for a way to hide just how bad Kiwibuild was in terms of performance, and they’ve really gone all in on this one.

Once again we find out that just because you announce something it doesn’t mean this government will actually make anything happen. In fact the opposite is now true. Anything this government announces can almost immediately be discounted as a broken promise 30 seconds after the announcement is made.

Jacinda Ardern, clearly, now has the deserved reputation of the ‘Queen of Failure’ or ‘The Hollow Girl’.

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