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Never Mind the Facts, Just Put the Boot in Any Way

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The BFD. Photo by Macau Photo Agency

They just can’t help themselves; lefties.


‘Never mind the facts, just put the boot in any way’, seems to be the go-to formula for left-wing mouthpieces, and predictably true to form the head of some medical union or other along with the fuschia-coloured hair lady both chattered aloud and ignorantly about the Ministry of Health’s inventory value write-down of previously purchased PPE stocks revealed in MOH’s annual report:

“While experts have said the figures reflect the cost of taking extraordinary measures to prepare for the virus, they also expressed concerns that companies continued to profit off the pandemic by manufacturing faulty products.”

Let’s be very clear: Sarah Dalton, head of the ASMS union is not an expert on anything, she’s an ex-teacher and long-term union organiser, nothing else, and while Ms Wiles may specialise in bugs and hair-dye her true gift is leftist propaganda, not inventory control.

Said Dalton, commenting on the written-off $37M of stock due to “safety concerns” but with no clue as to what she’s talking about: “In the future, money should be spent on equipment that was fit for purpose, including equipment which accommodated both larger and smaller people, and those with facial hair”, clearly implying that face-masks purchased by MOH were the ‘faulty’ product. Unfortunately for her MOH stated that while various items were written-off or written-down it “did not include masks”. Oh, dear.

Wiles chimed in with: “The real story is how many companies purely [operate] for profit from the pandemic, which continues to this day.” Operate for profit, now there’s a sin. The MOH dived in and brought a lot of stock during peak demand (hysteria) and paid over-the-odds for a lot of gear which now sells for a lot less, thanks to private companies, operating for profit, being able to quickly respond to market demands. What’s the bet that if MOH hadn’t been prepared to pay a premium early on in the pandemic Siouxie and her banshee’s would have jeered them from the sidelines?

So; what is the truth? Well, it’s nothing to do with “safety concerns” as reliably invented by Stuff. From the MOH annual report:

“With fluctuating prices and implications of the evolving understanding of Covid-19 on safety standards, at year end the Ministry performed an assessment on the value of stock on hand. As a result, in accordance with PBE IPSAS 12, the value of the stock was written down”


There you have it: “evolving understanding of Covid-19 on safety standards”. We know more about this nasty flu now – standards for PPE have changed in accordance – and previously purchased gear no longer meets the new criteria, so out it goes. It happens every week in the commercial world, but lefties, like our two ‘experts’ and Stuff reporters, don’t know anything about that, so: they just make things up.

Amazing, eh?

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