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New Boss Worse than the Old Boss

Chris Hipkins Jacinda Ardern

Alwyn Poole

Innovative Education Consultants

The cabinet reshuffle was predictable. Hipkins is, so far, our very worst Minister of Education. He has appointed someone who may well be worse: Jan Tinetti.

Hipkins says:

“As a former school principal and education expert new education minister is uniquely placed to address the post-Covid challenges our education system has faced and get our kids back in the classroom and learning,”

Over the last five years Hipkins has caused our education system to free fall across all metrics. When he became too busy to continue that particular rampage himself, he handed off “attendance” to Tinetti. There was a select committee hearing into that area (just 8 schools out of 2600 submitted) and Tinetti told the House by Term 2 2021 we would see results because she was spending $80 million of our money on it.

She was right. The results were that attendance got MUCH worse.

The term three attendance results have been hidden by the Ministry of Education for the last four months (despite more OIA’s than Leonardo di Caprio has had dates). They are to come out in the next two weeks.

Hipkins tries to say that Tinetti is an “expert”. I have met her a number of times and “light-weight” would be the politest description. Her last position in the “system” was Principal of a relatively small decile 1 primary school in Tauranga. In itself that is commendable but it is not a qualification for oversight of every primary, secondary and tertiary entity in our beautiful country. I would see it as being very similar to a full plane load of people boarding to go to LA when I walk up in a pilot’s uniform. It is seriously time to get off – and fast. The NZ education system “plane” is in disastrous hands from the PM to the Minister – to the Ministry.

The new “lockdown” overreach for Auckland schools is all the proof you need.

Hipkins took a week to make a MASSIVE mistake. Principals and Boards can think for themselves but not on the watch of Hipkins/Tinetti.

Last year I helped the Villa Education Trust to establish a private, nationwide, virtual/home school called Mt Hobson Academy Connected. I am no longer employed/salaried – so I can proudly just say that the staff – under wonderful, former Willowbank School Principal Saira Boyle are incredible. The programme can be teacher-led, in high-quality virtual classrooms, or they have a parent-led programme (with more time flexibility) where Mt Hobson provides all teaching resources and copious quantities of guidance and contact.

It is private, so there is a cost (although significantly less than a bricks and mortar private school). What many of the parents have told the school is that they have understood far more deeply over the last two years the “investment” side of education for their children.

They also make the learning worthwhile, aspirational and interesting. Alongside subjects, these are the five weekly projects students work through. It is well worth any family looking for better to check out. And … rain, hail or snow … they are open.

Parents in New Zealand (and around the world) are rediscovering that they have the power to make significant choices about the education of their children.

If you can’t beat them – leave them.
