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New Conservative Congratulates Family First


Press Release: New Conservative

New Conservative congratulates Family First on winning the appeal against their de-registration from the Charities Register. This is great news during a time of great erosion of core New Zealand principles such as free speech and democracy for the people.

In 2017, the Charities Registration Board deregistered New Zealand’s strongest family watchdog group, possibly due to Family First’s opposition to the government’s contentious redefinition of marriage. This was then upheld by the High Court in Wellington which stated that Family First’s “…core purpose of promoting the traditional family unit cannot be shown to be in the public benefit in the charitable sense under the Act.”

To the great relief of those who hold the natural family as a vital pillar of New Zealand society, the Wellington Court of Appeal has decided to “set aside” the decision of the Charities Registration Board.

On behalf of the hundreds of thousands of New Zealanders who have been educated, equipped, and assisted by the charitable duties of our greatest watchdog, New Conservative extends the most cheerful of congratulations to Bob McCoskrie and his team at Family First.

“Every time the family unit has been attacked by current and previous governments, Family First was there to call it out in detail,” says Deputy Leader Elliot Ikilei. “When there is a need to be educated on family issues including transgenderism, cannabis, marriage, parenthood, abortion, euthanasia, child abuse, etc, Family First is there with research and detailed analysis on current trends.

“Family First has been New Zealand’s number one watchdog for many years, and has been instrumental in showing New Zealanders the various attacks on our children, our social conscience, the very fabric of our society, and the real world consequences of our weakening family unit.

“For all you have done, and all you continue to do, New Conservative and New Zealand thank you.”

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