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The Govt Documentaries Didn’t Show You This


New Zealand Doctors Speaking Out with Science

Freedom of speech is under fire in New Zealand.  The newly released documentary Silenced’ reveals how streams of subtle censorship running through the covid 19 response skewed the story relayed to the public by the media, academia and the medical establishment.

Silenced was written, directed and produced by Samantha Blanchard of Candlelight Productions NZ.  Blanchard says “The disparity of information and the demonisation of people who upheld freedom of choice over the last few years has totally changed New Zealand society”.  The documentary probes whether the broad brand of misinformation applies to everything that does not come through our mainstream media channels and whether we have been prevented from true open and scientific debate that champions democracy, freedom of choice and freedom of speech.

Science can flourish only in an atmosphere of free speech

Albert Einstein

Most New Zealanders have observed or have an opinion on how Covid 19 has driven a wedge through our lives, relationships, families, friendships, communities and workplaces to such an extent that we are now living through significant changes in our culture, economic, political, and medical systems, society and also our country’s history.

Silenced details the unsettling stories of three individuals – broadcaster Peter Williams, self-deregistered GP of 40 years Dr Anne O’Reilly and freelance Sociologist Jodie Bruning – and gives their account of covid-related censorship in NZ.

  • Well-known broadcaster Peter Williams walked from his job suddenly in 2021, unable to freely explore expert opinions about the vaccine rollout while satisfying the commercial interests of his employer, Mediaworks. Williams reflects on his concerns about the state of democracy in New Zealand with freedom of speech undermined by advertising and grant money provided by the government to the news media.
  • Sociologist Jodie Bruning speaks from her own research about the problematic, economically-driven funding environment for science and research in New Zealand, which hinders the ability of experts to speak out of step with a government narrative. Bruning vindicates the research of a New Zealand epidemiologist who was silenced after vaccine mandates began and highlights the importance of open debate and holding space for uncomfortable science.
  • De-registered GP Dr Anne O’Reilly recounts her story of asking burning questions as she advocated for her patients, only to be denied answers by our health authorities and suspended from her profession after 40 years of service – an action normally reserved for serious fraud, abuse or manslaughter. Dr O’Reilly also speaks to the heavy censorship of highly-qualified international experts who pioneered successful treatments for COVID-19 well before a vaccine was rolled out.

The perspectives portrayed in Silenced balance the government-funded documentaries such as Fire and Fury, Web of Chaos and Boiling Point, all of which were made with government grants and ready-to-go platforms. They purposely depicted individuals who attempted to question authority or the narrative, or who had a differing opinion, as being deluded and dangerous for challenging the single source of truth and its validity.

Silenced is essential viewing for anyone who has formed an opinion based on those documentaries. Mainstream media has not portrayed the covid response with a fair and balanced lens, hence the need for Silenced to depict the other side of the story which to date has not been told.

As we reflect back over the last three years and contemplate the divide within our nation, it is our hope that we can protect against threats to our democracy and freedom of speech by keeping the conversations alive, encouraging transparency and accountability, telling personal stories and giving voice to those who have been silenced.

When voices are silenced and censored, we all suffer.  When we restore the art of respectful discussion and debate, as demonstrated in this documentary, then NZ society can start to heal and we can build a vibrant future.

Silenced gives a much-needed glimpse into the world of those directly affected by censorship.  If we want a free and open society for our children, we all need to stand up and speak out.  #stopthesilence

Watch here: Silenced the Documentary

If you are interested in learning more about the film and its producer, Liz Gunn has interviewed Sam Blanchard and Jodie Bruning. You can find out more about what makes Samantha tick and what she hoped to achieve by making the film.

Further Reading on Censorship:


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