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New Zealand Is an Ethno-State

The breakdown of ethnocentric politics was not inevitable. It happened because the policy to keep New Zealand as the ethnic homeland of the NZ European and Māori was rejected by late-20th century liberals. We are now reaping the fruits of this and unless we reverse course things will get worse.

Photo by K8 / Unsplash

This may seen somewhat strange and provocative, but I believe this is an important point to make out loud and one that should be as easy to say as ‘water is wet’. A nation is a people. Ethnos is the Greek word for nation, tribe and people. A nation state is an ethno-state. Without the ‘New Zealand European’ as the clear majority ethnic group there would be no New Zealand.

The physical building of the country, its towns, cities, roads, churches, schools, railways and ports was done by these settlers. The culture, dialect, accents, art, history, wars and mannerisms are a product of this ethnos. Their descendants have both the right and the duty to protect and improve on this heritage. New Zealand belongs to them by virtue of who their ancestors were. The Māori are part of this too, both in blood (as the races intermarried freely) and in culture. The New Zealand project was a civilising project and much care was taken from the beginning to bring Māori from savagery to civilisation. This was broadly successful. It was imperfect, even controversial, from the outset and full of mistakes and naïvely liberal. It is part of our history and our nation: our ethnos. I speak as a foreigner, my ancestors played no part in this, but the maternal ancestors of my children did.

What happens when you replace the New Zealand people via mass migration? New Zealand ceases to exist. The current government is doing this as did the previous government. Why would any immigrant accept second class status because of the way some piece of paper from 200 years ago is interpreted? Why would they need to adapt to some culture or understand the history of NZ European people who are going to be a minority within a generation?

Modern institutions like the Waitangi Tribunal also exist to attack the ethnos from within by generating endless anti-white grievance. Foreigners in parliament attack our history. The public universities and state media spew open anti-white hatred. They want to kill New Zealand and have already constructed a replacement nation: ‘Aotearoa’. This ‘Aotearoa’ would be a Frankenstein’s monster that would quickly devolve to turd-world status. What did you think decolonisation meant? Vibes? Essays?

There is incoherence in the centre-right opposition to this: Seymour and Brash, who oppose these enemies within, still embrace the Great Replacement. They wage war against ‘Aotearoa’ in the name of ‘modern multi-ethnic liberal democracy’. That’s the very thing killing New Zealand. It’s subconsciously part of what’s driving desperate attempts from Māori radicals to secure constitutional power before there’s no one left who might be interested in their unique ethnic status.

They fail to articulate this because the ‘Māori elite’ are low IQ Marxists. There are zero ethno-nationalist intellectuals among their ranks. It’s purely anti-white grievance rather than pro-Māori futurism. Mass migration heavily dilutes the power and influence of Māori but due to their left-wing alliances they cannot oppose it. This is, of course, in part why Seymour and Brash love mass migration too. I must mention here that it is possible to have small groups of ethnic minorities in your nation. It’s possible to absorb them over time or to let them live in their own small enclaves. Historically, New Zealand has been very friendly to this, even when maintaining a white New Zealand policy over the 120 years or so. As long as the dominant ethnic supermajority is maintained.

The breakdown of New Zealand politics into ethnocentric politics was not inevitable. It only happened because the policy to keep New Zealand as the ethnic homeland of the NZ European and NZ Māori people was rejected by late 20th century liberals in favour of turning the country into a deracinated economic zone. We are now reaping the fruits of this policy and unless we reverse course things will get so much worse.

This will require broad agreement among the right-wing that New Zealand is an ethno-state and that the government exists to preserve the interests of New Zealanders.


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