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Cartoon Bond villain, Klaus Schwab holding Justin Trudeau, Jacinda Ardern and Emmanuel Macron.

Matt Judd



I am becoming increasingly concerned about what I see here and worldwide. Have you also felt uneasy? I get the feeling in my waters that life has changed and may never return to what we knew just three short years ago.

Suppose that we have enemies hiding in plain sight, that wish to fundamentally change society, and they are wealthy, driven and have powerful allies in most governments worldwide. Can we then make some assumptions about what their goals are?

If the cartoon Bond villain Klaus Schwab represents the kind of people who want to make these changes then his own words spoken candidly give us an indication:

His adviser and ostensibly his deputy has even more disturbing thoughts about what our children will look like:

The matrix anyone? I wonder if I also will become a “useless eater” and if I will need to be drugged and amused in the metaverse so I don’t become depressed and angry?

Cartoon Bond villain, Klaus Schwab holding Justin Trudeau, Jacinda Ardern and Emmanuel Macron.

The World Economic Forum and its elite backers at the Davos group have funded future political leaders for the last several decades, called the “young leaders” group. Alumni include Justin Trudeau, Boris Johnson, Emmanuel Macron, the recently retired Angela Merkel, the wretched Ursula von der Leyen, several Australian senators, senior members of the Fed and of course our very own Jacinda Ardern.

If we charitably concede that the Covid-19 virus was accidentally leaked into the public arena in Wuhan and that it is actually the disease that its public relations backers insist that it is, then the WEF makes no bones about using it to further its agendas. Some members of the leadership group despair that they have missed their opportunity to enact their “great reset”:

Larry Fink, who oversees Black Rock, the institutional investment firm which owns part of Vanguard which also owns part of Black Rock which together own just about everything and invest for pension funds and government superannuation schemes, lament the end of globalisation. He previously expressed devotion to the new religions of “stakeholder capitalism” and ESG as needed corporate governance. The layman’s translation of these terms is fascism and a China-style social credit system.

Should we celebrate and await a return to normal, or are we still well on the way to “the new normal”? Let’s take stock and see where we stand:

  • We have demonstrated to these shadowy conspirators a few things. We are well and truly manipulable by what’s left of the media and social media.
  • Hysteria very easily takes precedence over real science.
  • If the government deems that we must give up our firearms or medical freedom then we’ll just go right ahead and hand them in or roll up our sleeves.
  • If the government deems it necessary to carry a digital passport or paperwork to access services then we will, without question.
  • We have taught our leaders a very dangerous lesson, dangerous for us.

So what is in store for us? I just refixed my mortgage, annual interest has increased by 100%. That’s doubled! This is purely because the government has advised the Reserve Bank to alter the official cash rate and my bank was forced to oblige.

The official cash rate is the government’s only available response to rampaging inflation which is totally due to government policy. Printing money using quantitative easing while half the economy was non-productive put massive upward pressure on the cost of goods.

The supply chain is in disarray due to border policies worldwide. Builders and importers will tell you about delays in getting materials, and supermarket shelves when they aren’t out of stock, are looking shockingly expensive.

If you believe the government’s CPI inflation figure of 6.9% then I’ve got a bridge to sell you. The real inflation figure is probably 15%. Anyone wanting to learn about the fraudulent method the government uses to calculate inflation and what the figure actually is could look at;

The military-industrial complex is pushing an unnecessary war in Europe and, astoundingly, New Zealand has supplied real offensive military hardware to one side.

Covid, or more accurately Omicron, is rampant in the community despite everything the health authorities tried to prevent it. We are also now battling other mysterious immune issues, cardiac issues, neurological problems and now hepatitis! Where did these all come from?

Our children’s education, for what it’s worth, is back to normal but my teens have really lost all their motivation thanks to lockdowns, Zoom learning and no sports.

The middle class is shrinking by design and the government is thinking up ever more taxes. Everyone knows of one or two small or medium-sized businesses that have folded or are about to fold.

The government is pursuing woke and tribal agendas guaranteed to sow division in the community. It feels like we are one more decent crisis away from societal disintegration.

So is it all doom and gloom? Perhaps. But at this time, and during the week of ANZAC commemorations, we would do well to remember who we are:

  • We are New Zealanders. We punch above our weight.
  • We are number eight wire and bailing twine.
  • We catch our own fish, we hunt the hills for wild meat.
  • We were the first to end slavery.
  • We were leaders in women’s rights.
  • We discovered the structure of the atom, climbed the world’s highest mountain first and crossed the Antarctic, ran the four-minute mile and fought with distinction against tyranny and oppression in multiple wars.
  • We are not racist, we work side by side with Maori and Pacific Island and Asian and Pakeha people without fear or favour. This is our nation and this is our mana.
  • If you think we will roll over for your grotesque New World Order or New Normal, if you think we will accept your filthy social credit system, if you think we will give up and become “drugged out transhuman useless eaters”, I’ve got news for you.

Ardern, Robertson, Luxon, Seymour and whoever is running the Green Marxist party. We don’t want your new normal. Now or ever.

You can go and get stuffed with all your globalist elitist mates.
We are a community that will help each other, rebuild and thrive. Kia Kaha.


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