Ross Baker
Unless you can answer the following questions, you have no idea of New Zealand’s true history.
I wonder how the framers of the government’s soon-to-emerge New Zealand Histories Curriculum for school children would score in this one?
Part One:
1. Who smuggled 800 muskets from England into New Zealand in 1820?
2. Who went on a rampage south slaughtering thousands of men, women, and children followed by feasts?
3. Why did the 13 Ngapuhi Chiefs write to the King asking for protection?
4. Why was the Declaration of Independence a complete failure?
5. How and when were the boundaries of New South Wales extended to include New Zealand, placing New Zealand under the dependency of New South Wales?
6. Who drafted the instruction for Lieutenant Governor Hobson to write the Treaty of Waitangi?
7. What did tangata Maori give up in the Tiriti o Waitangi?
8. What did tangata Maori gain by the Tiriti o Waitangi?
9. How did New Zealand become a British Colony?
10. How did Lieutenant Governor Hobson become Governor of New Zealand?
- Hongi Hika, Ngapuhi.
- Hongi Hika and his Ngapuhi followers.
- They were afraid the southern tribes were arming themselves for utu/revenge.
- James Busby could only get 52 chiefs to sign it before it was abandoned.
- By Royal Charter dated 30 July 1839.
- James Stephen, the Under-Secretary of Colonies, and a strong supporter of the Clapham Sect.
- They gave up their kawanatanga/government.
- They became British Subjects with the same rights as the people of England. This advanced tangata Maori 1000 years in their culture, stopped the intertribal wars and gave one law for all without tangata Maori lifting a finger.
- By Royal Charter issued by “Victoria by the Grace of God” under “The Great Seal of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland”, dated 16 November 1840.
- By Royal Charter issued by “Victoria by the Grace of God” under “The Great Seal of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland”, dated 16 November 1840.
These questions and answers are based on documentation from archives around the world, the British Parliamentary Papers and documents obtained under the Official Information Act by the One New Zealand Foundation Inc.
If any information is found to be incorrect, please supply official documented history to support your findings and the above will be amended.
– Ross Baker, Researcher, One New Zealand Foundation Inc. Email:
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