Republished with Permission
Author: Bryce Edwards
1News: Q+A: Shane Jones: Cameras on fishing boats is 'state surveillance'
Andrea Vance (Sunday Star Times): The orange roughy and a ‘cautionary tale of over-exploitation’ (paywalled)
Julia Gabel (Herald): Law firm Russell McVeagh says Mt Messenger wildlife permit ruling causing ‘big headaches’ for developers, Government
Luke Malpass (Post): Wildlife Act looks set to be changed by May Budget (paywalled)
Victor Waters (RNZ): Hundreds in Northland protest fast-tracked sand mining operation
David Long (Stuff): Sixty-four helipads on Waiheke Island, tougher rules coming to protect wildlife
Greg Billington (Press/Post): Forget Predator Free 2050 - mega sanctuaries can save our wildlife (paywalled)
Sean Connelly (ODT): A trade-off for no benefit
Peter de Graaf (RNZ): Nine kiwi killed in the Bay of Islands
Adam Burns (RNZ): 'Worst thing they've ever seen' - Man sentenced over killing thousands of eels
1News: Gore man fined $130,000 after effluent kills thousands of eels
Linda Hall (Local Democracy Reporting): Eels returned to stream after being dumped at compost facility
ODT Editorial: D-Day for South Dunedin (paywalled)
Janine Starks (Post): Money behaviour can drive recycling; why don’t we do it more?
Paula Penfold (Stuff): Three weeks of ugly headlines and ACC's leadership crisis just got worse
ODT Editorial: ACC cover must change (paywalled)
Adam Pearse (Herald): Government went against health advice to lower bowel cancer screening age further for Māori, Pasifika
Jimmy Ellingham (RNZ): Simeon Brown rejected officials' advice to have lower bowel screening age for Māori, Pasifika
Ros Pochin and John Mutu-Grigg (Sunday Star Times): Bowel screening policy a shameful step backwards (paywalled)
Catherine McGregor (Spinoff): Brown not backing down on bowel cancer screening
Greg Presland (Standard): Does the Government not like Māori and Pasifika?
Brian Easton (Pundit): Is The New Zealand Healthcare System Doing Badly?
David Farrar: Little’s mega-merger is tracking $28 billion with Excel!
Cushla Norman (1News): Calls to ban engineered stone amid incurable lung disease risk
RNZ: Engineered stone ban: 'People just tend to think there's no problem'
RNZ: Hunt for new Pharmac chief executive begins
Chris Schulz (Consumer NZ): New research reveals 'heartbreaking' stories behind NZ’s woeful dental statistics
Peter de Graaf (RNZ): Fluoridation stand-off: Councillors to meet today
Henry McMullan (1News): Protest planned after cutbacks at Napier’s only 24-hour medical centre
Tina McCafferty (Herald): Hospices under serious financial pressure and require a new form of funding
RNZ: Nearly one in four bottle shops in alcohol sting failed to check users' age
Glenn McLean (Stuff): New Plymouth dairy owner fined $22,000 for illegal vape sales
Andrea Vance (Post): Why Christopher Luxon isn’t about to be rolled (yet) (paywalled)
Tracy Watkins (Sunday Star Times): National can only be as good as its weakest link (paywalled)
Claire Trevett (Herald): Polls indicate PM Christopher Luxon, National and Act’s David Seymour in for a tense year (paywalled)
Peter Dunne (Newsroom): National could yet snatch defeat from jaws of victory
Georgina Stylianou (Post): If a ‘relentless focus’ looks past people, it will soon lose them (paywalled)
Glenn McConnell (Stuff): Labour leader takes swipe at PM after another poll defeat for National
Anna Whyte (Post): New poll: Support dips for National, Chris Hipkins leads as preferred PM
Ryan Bridge (Herald): Christopher Luxon is on a roll. He’s not in any danger of getting rolled, despite current polls (paywalled)
Robert MacCulloch: NZ Election 2026 will be a close call. Choosing between Labour's Proven Loser & National's Travelling Salesman
Martyn Bradbury (Daily Blog): Another Poll highlights National plunging in support
Victor Billot (Newsroom): An Ode to … King Luxon
Laszlo Szollosi-Cira: 2026 Election: turbulent changes in the political landscape
Louis Collins (RNZ): The House: Urgency and fudging budgets
Mike Houlahan (ODT): This is not a dream, you really are acting transport minister
Ffion Heale (Post): Is AI in politics the final technology taboo? (paywalled)
Herald: Te Pāti Māori co-leader Rawiri Waititi reshares social media post comparing his lawns to David Seymour
Stuff: ACT hits back as Rawiri Waititi compares David Seymour to grass
Katie Ham (Post): From policing to politicking: Police Minister’s half-term report (paywalled)
Herald: Ask Me Anything: Marama Davidson talks cancer, support from Nikki Kaye and returning to work with Paula Bennett
Anna Whyte (Post): 10 minutes with... Swanndri-wearing MP Duncan Webb (paywaled0
ODT: Obituary: Ann Hartley, politician
Thomas Manch and Luke Malpass (Post): Toll nation: Government plots new user-pays route to road investment (paywalled)
Luke Malpass (Post): The politics of new roads and the weight of money (paywalled)
Giles Dexter (RNZ): Labour sets out investment non-negotiables
Rob Stock and Luke Malpass (Post): Cracks in 'bipartisan' infrastructure pitch as Labour pushes back on private ownership
Richard Harman (Politik): Foreign investment’s fine print (paywalled)
Bruce Cotterill (Herald): Infrastructure summit: NZ must harness local funds for growth, not just foreign investment (paywalled)
Sam Stubbs (Post): Investment summit surpassed my low expectations: Sam Stubbs (paywalled)
Bernard Hickey (The Kākā): PPPs are more expensive, slower & riskier than Govt DIY
Craig Renney: When should you use a PPP? – A bluffer's guide
Thomas Coughlan (Herald): Govt’s infrastructure summit a success as PM Christopher Luxon touts project ‘pipeline’ (paywalled)
Katie Bradford (1News): Investment summit an overture to the hopes of a nation
Fran O’Sullivan (Herald): Ex-Trump adviser Chris Liddell tells NZ stay cautious, seize opportunities in global shifts (paywalled)
1News: Govt seeking investment interest in Akl harbour crossing, toll concessions
Giles Dexter (RNZ): Auckland Harbour Bridge: Bishop appeals for international input on second crossing
Rob Stock and Luke Malpass (Post): Government to sound out market on second Auckland harbour crossing (paywalled)
Oliver Lewis (BusinessDesk): NZTA to sound out markets on multi-billion dollar Auckland harbour crossing (paywalled)
Zane Small (Stuff): Investor visa brings in hundreds of millions, tipped to increase ‘significantly’ after changes
Jonathan Milne (Newsroom): Nicola Willis: ‘Stability is our middle name’
Jonathan Milne (Newsroom): Govt picks winning firms to pass go – and not go to jail
RNZ: Italian tunnelers to stay in New Zealand following Infrastructure Investment Summit
Oliver Lewis (BusinessDesk): Investment Summit creates 'momentum', helps convince Italian tunnelers to stay (paywalled)
The Standard: Failed Conference
Danyl McLauchlan (Listener): Best intentions: The reasons leftist governments can’t build infrastructure (paywalled)
Logan Church (1News): Winston Peters in America: 'This is a whole new world'
Lillian Hanly (RNZ): After 20 years in and out of the saddle, Winston Peters' latest foreign rodeo has potential to be his bumpiest yet
Toby Manhire (Spinoff): David Parker on what Trump and a whiplash world mean for New Zealand
Glen McConnell (Stuff): Trade Minister Todd McClay talks to new Trump trade boss
Herald: First official talks between New Zealand and United States trade representatives as Trump rolls out tariffs
Dileepa Fonseka (BusinessDesk): When the landlord goes rogue: Trump, trade, and NZ’s next move (paywalled)
Phil Pennington (RNZ): How much can NZ boost its military spending, really? And is it really needed?
Thomas Manch (Post): How to spend billions on the Defence Force (paywalled)
Barbara Dreaver (1News): Fears funding gap left by USAID cuts could be filled by China
Barbara Dreaver (1News): Concerns raised about Chinese interference in the Pacific
Tom Peters (World Socialists): New Zealand’s record of colonial oppression of the Cook Islands
Lydia Lewis (RNZ): Tokelau sets sights on a potential third referendum
Robert Patman (Spinoff): New Zealand and Gaza: Confronting and not confronting the unspeakable
Nina Brown (Critic Te Ārohi): Otago Academic Experts Say ‘Gaza – Yes it is genocide’
RNZ: Luxon reaffirms NZ's support for Ukraine after 'Coalition of the Willing' call with world leaders
Glenn McConnell (Stuff): Christopher Luxon joins 'coalition of the willing' talks as military moves over Ukraine begin
RNZ: Prime Minister confirms he will join world leaders in 'coalition of the willing' phone call
David Fisher (Herald): Russian disinformation targets NZ with te reo Māori news site (paywalled)
Adam Pearse (Herald): PM Luxon’s trade talk revival invigorates India visit, but can he keep the momentum? (paywalled)
Craig McCulloch (RNZ): Touchdown in Delhi: Christopher Luxon fires starting gun on trade talks with India
Laura Walters (Newsroom): Surprise on day one of Luxon’s India trip: free trade talks agreed
Adam Pearse (Herald): PM in India: Free trade negotiations to restart with India as Christopher Luxon begins visit
Luke Malpass (Post): Notes from India: Christopher Luxon’s big adventure (paywalled)
Luke Malpass (Stuff): NZ and India open free trade talks
Luke Malpass (Post): NZ and India open free trade talks (paywalled)
Craig McCulloch (RNZ): Deal or no deal? Christopher Luxon's India trip puts trade promise to the test
Adam Pearse (Herald): PM to India: Will Christopher Luxon get his coveted free-trade deal?
Laura Walters (Newsroom): There’s more to India than a free trade deal
Luke Malpass (Post): New Zealand takes on India - but it’s complicated (paywalled)
Gianina Schwanecke (RNZ): Country Life: Geoff Allott on new market possibilities in India
Bhav Dhillon (Post): A strategic partnership for the Indo-Pacific century (paywalled)
1News: Q+A: Seymour says school lunch critics 'nitpicking' over late deliveries
RNZ: Associate Education Minister David Seymour accuses school lunch programme critics of 'nitpicking
Esther Taunton (Stuff): School lunch critics ‘nitpicking’ over 13,500 late meals last week, Seymour says
Vernon Small (Sunday Star Times): Cut-price school lunch scheme a false economy (paywalled)
1News: Complaint made about flies found in school lunch
1News: Frozen pizza rolls are the latest school lunch blunder
Nick Truebridge and Glenn McConnell (Stuff): ‘A whole lot more just pushed on us’: Staff at liquidated school lunch provider speak out
RNZ: Libelle announces sale of school lunches operation
RNZ: Loss of Libelle leads to drop in quality, schools to close canteens with short notice
Mountain Tui: On why complaining about incompetent David Seymour's School Lunches is the only rational response
Joe Hendren: Seymour's lack of accountability over school lunch fiasco
Arena Williams, Stuart Smith (Stuff): A Prime Minister who sneers at struggling families has no idea what life is really like
Anna Whyte (Sunday Star Times): Which public service agency pays the most? (paywalled)
Ben Thomas (Post): The shift in power and re-shaping of the public service (paywalled)
Steve Braunias (Newsroom): The Secret Diary of … Winston Peters
Anaru Eketone (ODT): ‘Woke’ used to silence, dismiss validity of views (paywalled)
Angela Wilton (Sunday Star Times): Attacking diversity measures is a threat to the fabric of our society (paywalled)
Eloise Gibson (RNZ): Would an anti-woke banking law change how banks lend?
Nina Brown (Critic Te Ārohi): ‘Woke’ UniPol’s New Rearrangement
Herald: Labour slams Govt as Jobseeker numbers rise, but minister says increase was expected
Dileepa Fonseka (BusinessDesk): On The Money: Shihad, woke, a grocery breakfast, and more
Kate Green (RNZ): Fraud and scams top agenda for Consumer NZ's meeting with minister
Andrew Bevin (Newsroom): Bayly’s reforms whet appetite for stagnant NZX
Rachel Helyer Donaldson (RNZ): All library workers deserve a fair wage - union
Bill Hickman (RNZ): Figure for Wellington Water losses 'does not exist' - Acting chair
RNZ: Wellington Mayor Tory Whanau says she doesn't think Christopher Luxon is a 'nice person' after ‘lame-o’ comment
Barrie Saunders: Wellington Water woes
Harriet Laughton (Post): Labour candidates announced ahead of Wellington council election (paywalled)
Simon Wilson (Herald): $150b shock – Council v Govt on big Auckland projects (paywalled)
Shayne Currie (Herald): Rubbish proposal: Auckland’s biggest landfill set to stay open for seven to eight years longer than expected after delays for new facility (paywalled)
Louise Ternouth (RNZ): Auckland Council opens dog adoption centre
Local Aotearoa: Local Aotearoa calls for LGOIMA update to open up council workshops and briefings
Mike Tweed (Whanagnui Chronicle): Three-council model preferred for Whanganui’s water delivery, with Ruapehu and Rangitīkei
Alisha Evans (Local Democracy Reporting): Western Bay community boards resist merger proposal
Jonathan Leask (Local Democracy Reporting): Canterbury chasing regional deal
Robin Martin (RNZ): New Plymouth rough sleepers warned to remove their belongings or risk them being impounded
Emily Ireland (Local Democracy Reporting): South Wairarapa council ponders Facebook exit
Lyric Waiwiri-Smith (Spinoff): More than 150 jobs cut and one campus closed as Te Pūkenga disestablishment looms
Jaime Cunningham (Herald): Concerns over lack of national data on bullying in schools
Susan Edmunds (RNZ): Why student loan debt is going to get more expensive
Jamie Morton (Herald): Law school stoush: Auckland Uni vice-chancellor Dawn Freshwater faces backlash (paywalled)
Jaime Lyth (Herald): David Seymour slams Auckland University’s compulsory Te Tiriti course
Layla Bailey-McDowell (RNZ): 'Hōhā': Te Reo Māori teaching students 'left in the dark' over delayed scholarship payments
Matthew Littlewood (ODT): Uni welcomes rise in student numbers
Liam Dann (Herald): Can the economy turn the polls around in time for Christopher Luxon? (paywalled)
Liam Dann (Herald): GDP Preview: Have we escaped recession? New data due this week (paywalled)
Anan Zaki (RNZ): Crawling back out of recession: Economy likely grew in the final quarter
David Hargreaves (Interest): The economy has found its forward gear again
Tom Pullar-Strecker (Post): GDP figures expected to show economy ‘limping into recovery’
Rebecca Howard (BusinessDesk): NZ economy likely expanded, left recession in rear-view mirror (paywalled)
Danyl McLauchlan (Listener): Adrian Orr’s vanishing act (paywalled)
Brianna McIlraith (Stuff): Why the Reserve Bank Governor is an $800,000 job
Damien Grant (Stuff): Adrian Orr did something I can get behind. He resigned
Tom Pullar-Strecker (Sunday Star Times): Why competition task force move is only a partial fix for the electricity sector (paywalled)
RNZ: Transpower given more powers to manage supply risks
Jamie Gray (Herald): Record low lake levels push Electricity Authority to strengthen power supply rules ahead of winter (paywalled)
Jonathan Milne (Newsroom): Govt belatedly backs ‘world class’ offshore wind farms
Marc Daalder (Newsroom): Second firm halts plans for offshore wind farms
Ian Llewellyn (BusinessDesk): Watts warned about deindustralisation due to gas supply dwindling
Chelsea Daniels (Herald): Front Page: NZME faces board challenge as billionaire Jim Grenon pushes for change
Colin Peacock (RNZ): Mediawatch: Media pump up rumours of Prime Minister's demise
Colin Peacock (RNZ): Mediawatch: RNZ's Gaza conflict coverage abided by its editorial policy - Review
Kate Green (RNZ): RNZ review of Gaza conflict coverage found no policy, media standards breaches
Steven Cowan: RNZ: Whitewashing genocide