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News from CJ Hopkins & Consent Factory

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CJ Hopkins

So, I’ve got some good news and some bad news again. The good news is the launch of my new book was rather more successful than I had hoped for. Thanks to readers like you, probably, shortly after it was officially released, it made the Barnes & Noble bestseller list and was a bestseller in a number of categories on Amazon in the USA, Canada, and The Netherlands. (Toby Rogers was kind enough to write a review of it, and I’ll be talking it up in a few interviews soon.)

Anyway, now, three weeks later, the book is still selling remarkably well, despite the best efforts of Twitter and Facebook to stifle my ability to promote it.

And that’s the bad news. I’m fairly sure that some of you will recall how the Twitter Corporation has been warning people that I am some kind of pornographer who is distributing “age-restricted adult content” that no decent person would want to be caught reading.

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Well, it turns out the Consent Factory’s Twitter account is engaging in “abuse and harassment” by tweeting a photo of a screaming Sam Kinison (are there any other types of photos of Kinison?) with a satirical quote, “ALL YOU RUSSIA-LOVING ANTI-VAX CONSPIRACY THEORISTS ARE GOING TO DIE OF MONKEY POX!” (I don’t have a screenshot of the tweet. Twitter zapped it before I could get to it.)

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I’m not certain how much that satirical tweet differs from this non-satirical tweet, which apparently wasn’t “abuse and harassment,” but then, I’m not an Abuse and Harassment expert.

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At this point, I’ve lost track of the number of times the Consent Factory account and my own account have been “locked down” for “spreading misinformation” or “abuse and harassment” since the Spring of 2020, but it sure feels like my “unpersoning” is imminent.

For those unfamiliar with how this works, the Twitter Corporation, when they want to unperson you because they do not like your political speech (or because you are using their platform to publicize their defamation of persons whose political speech they do not like, or because you’re “spreading Covid misinformation,” or whatever), cannot just summarily suspend your account, because that would look like … you know, censorship. So, what Twitter does instead is, it goes through all your tweets and finds something like the tweet above, which it uses as a pretext to “lock” your account. (In order to get your account “unlocked,” you have to confess to “violating the rules.”) It does this repeatedly, logging “violations of the Twitter rules” against your account. After you have accumulated a certain number of “violations,” Twitter permanently suspends you.

Which … it feels like that’s about to happen.

And more or less the same deal on Facebook, which “restricted” my account during the launch of the new book … I don’t recall exactly what for. It doesn’t really matter, does it?

Which is a long way of saying, if you follow me or the Consent Factory on Twitter or Facebook, and we suddenly disappear one day, go ahead and assume that we have been “unpersoned.” If that happens, I’ll still be here on Substack and I might have to go out and buy a phone so that I can sign up for a Telegram account.

In the meantime, I’ll keep slinging that “abuse and harassment” and “age-restricted adult content,” and so on, and otherwise trying to entertain, and promote my new book as best I can, what with these unaccountable global corporations “restricting” my ability to do that, and defaming me as a Covid-denying, Russia-backed, anti-vax pornographer, or whatever.

Oh, and before you ask, the new book is available internationally from most regular booksellers. You can probably order it at your local bookstore. Or you can buy it on Amazon. I won’t tell. There’s a list of a few such booksellers at the Consent Factory.

And if you’re as sick and tired of this corporate censorship and COINTELPRO-type bullshit as I am, and want to help ensure that writers like me don’t get crushed by GloboCap, you can spread the word about the book to your friends and family, and absolute strangers on the train, or post a review or rating on Amazon, or Barnes & Noble, or your blog, or wherever, or tweet a photo like the ones up above if you’re not afraid of being accused of disseminating “potentially sensitive content.”

Heartfelt thanks to those of you who have already done that and are doing it now! I’m more grateful than you probably imagine.

All best, as ever, from New Normal Berlin, CJ
