Renowned British cardiologist, evidence-based Medicine academic and strong vaccine proponent, Dr Aseem Malhotra is calling for the suspension of the mRNA COVID-19 vaccine rollout following the publication of his latest research paper.
Dr Malhotra has recently released peer-reviewed papers in the Journal of Insulin Resistance. The two- part document titled ‘Curing the pandemic of misinformation on COVID-19 mRNA vaccines through real evidence-based medicine’, published earlier this week, presents real-world data showing thousands of people need to be vaccinated to prevent one death from COVID-19.
His calculations indicate that 230 people over the age of 80, need to be vaccinated to prevent one death, increasing to 93,000 people needing to be vaccinated to prevent one death in the 18-29 year age group.
For under eighteen-year-olds, vaccination efficacy in preventing death is negative, meaning the vaccinated are more likely to die from covid than the unvaccinated. This is without taking into account the serious harms from the vaccine which appear to occur in at least one out of every 800 vaccinations.
His findings have confirmed the remarkable and concerning anecdotal worldwide evidence of the disproportionate levels of side effects from the injections.
When Malhotra’s vaccinated elderly, yet healthy, father suffered a fatal heart attack last year, he was left wondering at the cause. His father had been a keen sportsman all his life and was fitter than the overwhelming majority of men his age. Despite previous heart scans a few years earlier, which had revealed no significant problems, and perfect blood flow throughout his arteries with only mild furring, he died from the effects of blockages in two of his main coronary arteries – a 90% blockage in his left anterior descending artery and a 75% blockage in his right coronary artery.
I wondered whether my father’s Pfizer vaccination, which he received six months earlier, could have contributed to his unexplained premature death and so I began to critically appraise the data.”
This began a journey that lead Malhotra to speak to academic scientists, investigative medical journalists and Pfizer whistleblowers. He spent months analysing the evidence, before “reluctantly concluding, this vaccine is not completely safe, and has unprecedented harms”.
The data suggest a greater risk of suffering an adverse event from the vaccine than being hospitalised with COVID-19. “Pharmacovigilance systems and real-world safety data, coupled with plausible mechanisms of harm, are deeply concerning, especially in relation to cardiovascular safety”, said Dr Malhotra.
A spokesperson for New Zealand Doctors Speaking Out with Science (NZDSOS) describes how the vaccine rollout in New Zealand has “failed to provide the evidence to continue this ‘safe and effective’ campaign”.
“It has been impossible for the public to make an informed choice about what is best for their health based on advertising campaigns using fear and manipulation to coerce the public into receiving this injection,” the spokesperson said.
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Dr Malhotra is also featured in a hard-hitting documentary. Released on Tuesday, Safe and Effective: A Second Opinion is a powerful new documentary by renowned ‘establishment’ media professionals from the UK. It is a frank and honest appraisal of the vaccine deception visited on a frightened and gullible British public. To us, it is the visual equivalent of Steve Kirsch’s powerful summary of evidence on his substack blog.
“NZDSOS is aware of thousands of people injured by this novel therapy, with little to no evidence of its efficacy in preventing death, severe illness or transmission. New Zealand needs to step up to the plate and choose to accept or independently analyse the real-world data, rather than continuing to claim safe and effective, and to protect its citizens from potential harm.”