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No Christian Terror – So Why Are Sermons Being Vetted?

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In the last decade or so, there have been at least 11 Islamic terror attacks or thwarted plots in Denmark. There have been no Christian terror attacks.

So which religion is the Danish government persecuting?

Christian churches in Denmark will be required to translate and submit all sermons to the government, under a proposed law set to be debated in parliament later this month.

But they’re cracking down on the Christians to curb Islamic extremism, donchaknow? In further news, Danish firefighters will use petrol to extinguish house fires.

The measure, which the Danish government says is necessary to curb the growth of Islamic extremism, will cast a broad net and affect Christian churches due to fears of appearing Islamophobic or politically incorrect in the application.

This makes about as much sense as American airport security strip-searching little old ladies in wheelchairs while bearded young men in suspiciously bulging robes breeze through check-in. I mean, they don’t want to actually focus on the folks doing all the bombing and beheading. That would be “Islamophobic”.

Britain’s gutless church authorities aren’t helping any.

Robert Innes, the Church of England’s bishop in Europe, has written to the Danish Prime Minister, Mette Frederiksen, expressing his concern over what he describes as an “overly restrictive” bind on freedom.

“I am sure it comes from a genuine concern about the security of the estate and the monitoring of all religious minorities who might be perceived as a security risk,” Innes said, according to The Guardian. “I share the ambition of the Danish government to ensure safety and security and the desire that all religious organisations in Denmark conduct their act peacefully but to require translation of sermons into the national language goes too far. It goes in a concerning anti-liberal direction.

Perhaps Bishop Innes might cast his memory back to the British documentary, Undercover Mosque? As that horrifying investigation showed, while many mosques presented a smiley-face to the English-speaking world, their Arabic-only sermons were a whole lot more head-choppy.

The legislation has been opposed by a number of church leaders in Denmark, with many writing to the Danish government outlining their concerns[…]

General Secretary of the Nordic Bishops Conference, Anna Mirijam Kaschne, was quoted as saying, “All church congregations, free church congregations, Jewish congregations, everything we have here in Denmark — 40 different religious communities — will be placed under general suspicion by this law… Something is happening here which is undermining democracy.”

Caldron Pool

Still, the authorities have got to keep up appearances, haven’t they? They don’t want to offend the Religion of Peace, after all.

Because when the Religion of Peace gets “offended”, whether by cartoons, men holding hands in public or women showing their ankles, infidels tend to die.

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