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It’s amazing how tolerant and inclusive the woke are. The Epoch Times provides an example.

A school board in the Durham region of Ontario drafted a new human rights policy, and when one trustee voiced her concerns about it she was banned from attending future meetings.

Trustee Linda Stone’s criticisms included the policy’s use of the term “white supremacy”, and that the policy would keep parents in the dark if their children were changing genders.

[…] The argument against her was laid out in a 55-page document that included tweets from her personal account and comments she made at meetings. It said she contravened the code in that her comments “might harm members of the local community” and because she did not support the board’s “vision and values” as required.

In other words, you’re not woke enough, so go away.

[…] The board’s draft of its new human rights guidelines said, “Systemic discrimination and racism exist in the DDSB and stem from discriminatory and racist ideologies, systems, cultures and the structural dominance of white supremacy, sexism, ableism, heteronormativity, cisnormativity/cisgenderism, cissexism and faithism.”

Stone commented in a meeting on Oct. 25, 2021 (among the comments the board has taken issue with): “the term is ‘white supremacy.’ I’m concerned about it because I’m worried about our staff, our students, our parents, and how this term will be taken. This term separates whites from anyone else. This term is derogatory, even though it is explained that it’s not derogatory, people take it as derogatory, believe me.”

[…] During a Nov. 9, 2021 board meeting, Stone said, “when you use the word ‘cisnormativity,’ are you talking about things like saying … men cannot get pregnant or give birth, or that men can’t breastfeed?”

The board’s human rights and equity advisor replied that “cisnormativity” is  assuming cisgender is the norm and the term it describes the “systemic prejudice against trans people,” the document said.

Clown world strikes again.

At the same meeting, Stone had addressed the topic of “Privacy and Confidentiality” in the draft related to a student’s gender identity.

[…] On Jan. 24, 2022, Stone said, “Is diversity of thought encouraged? When anyone speaks against the orthodox thinking, has a differing opinion, or merely would like terms explained or defined, they will, as I was, be told that their questions and comments are offensive and harmful, and that it showed a lack of understanding of human rights.”

In a complaint two days later, Trustee Niki Lundquist called Stone’s talk about free speech “an inappropriate diatribe.”

This is a perfect example of how SJWs (or Social Justice Bullies, as we like to call them) operate, and it applies just as much to a HR department that has been taken over by them. Get rid of those that aren’t woke, using any made up excuse, and only hire those that are woke. Inclusiveness? Sure, so long as you’re not far-right, alt-right, TERF, conservative, free-speech absolutist, stale pale male, or dangerous, crazy libertarian, we include everyone!
