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No Jab, No Job: This Is Not My New Zealand

Image credit The BFD.

Conserve NZ
Patrick Lim

I’m deeply saddened that this day has come and that it has ended in this way. These vaccine mandates are brutally cruel and unkind. I could never have imagined that New Zealand would impose such a totalitarian and draconian mandate. It completely takes away the right of choice for a medical intervention, not to mention that this is an experimental jab, where clinical studies do not finish until 2023. Unfortunately, this is not being imagined, this is a raw reality.

It has been extremely heartbreaking to hear the countless stories of people who have lost their jobs because they have chosen to not take the vaccine. Relationships between friends, family members, colleagues, and even marriages have been destroyed over this vaccine. I have heard many stories of people unwillingly taking the jab because to not take the jab, they would face the great devastation of losing their livelihoods, and the ability to feed their family, or pay their rent or their mortgage. Economic duress should not be seen in our society. People should not be put in such a position. It is very brave of all of those who have not succumbed to that pressure. I commend you, and I stand with you.

The fixation on a vaccine that has an ARR (absolute relative risk) of 0.8% or less means that a vaccinated person is almost as likely — in fact, virtually just as likely — to catch COVID-19 as an unvaccinated person: in other words, 99.2% as likely, which by any reasonable estimate, is an insignificantly trivial difference. Moreover, a vaccinated person has a higher chance of asymptomatic transmission, and may become a “super spreader”. It has also been proven that this vaccine would not prevent transmission, and in fact, is leakier than first believed, particularly when it comes to the now rampant Delta variant. I would argue that if this vaccine did prevent transmission to a high degree, then perhaps limited mandates would be justifiable — but clearly, it does not.

We have been told that a large percentage of the population is required to be vaccinated in order to gain herd immunity. But herd immunity for SARS-CoV-2 will never happen with the current vaccines on the market. Nonetheless, despite the theories and predictions of the effectiveness of these vaccines now being outdated, for some reason, we are still driven by hysteria to achieve high uptake of the Pfizer Cominarty vaccine by all means possible.

Bribes have included prizes, food, money — and most brutally, coercion, in the form of mandates. The target for the percentage of the population being vaccinated also constantly increases: 75%, 80%, 90% — what percentage is next? What would happen if we achieved 99.9% vaccination? Would the remaining 0.1% of the unvaccinated population continue to be blamed for the rising cases and hospitalisations, and would the unvaccinated still be locked out of society?

What about serious adverse effects and deaths? Why are we not discussing them? The data is on Medsafe for all to see. Yet many health professionals say that serious adverse effects and deaths don’t occur, or that they are “very rare.” The slogan “safe and effective” is chanted, and everyone is urged to get the jab to “protect their families.”

Seriously, have we lost the traditional highly-held standard of full consent? Is “full consent” now just a concept, and not actually practised?

As vaccination uptake increases, we are seeing the rise of heart attacks, strokes, myocarditis, pericarditis, blood clotting disorders, Guillain-Barre syndrome, neurological disorders and deaths. This is not a complete list. Adverse side effects are occurring in young people and those who typically would not be expected to have such conditions. Is causation always from the vaccine? We can’t be completely sure, but it cries out loud and clear to any reasonable person that this is something to at least consider.

What is very concerning is that these temporal relationships between vaccine inoculations and injuries are absent from the thoughts — or at least the words — of many health professionals. This is a disgrace, and a breach of their professional Hippocratic Oath of “First, do no harm.”

For some reason, deaths related to the vaccine seem to be hard to determine or officially record. However, when deaths occur in positive COVID-19 cases, somehow they are classified as “covid deaths” as fast as lightning. This even happens when a death is caused by a bullet in the head, a vehicle accident, or a person falling off a tall building — this is not a conspiracy (as you’ll know from recent news). I’m not at all saying COVID-19 isn’t real, but this is insanity. It is grossly biased, and it creates fear and uncertainty about the actual deadliness of the virus.

People have many reasons to be hesitant or to not want this jab. Their reasons are not unfounded, are legitimate, and follow sound science. It is shameful and utterly disrespectful that these people are automatically labelled as “anti-vaxxers.” Many of those people had their childhood vaccines and regular flu vaccines, but they just don’t want the covid jab. Where is the kindness? Obviously, it has been lost!

Have we considered the ramifications in the education and health sector workforces after those good, hard workers lose their jobs? It is our children and those who need medical care who will suffer. It has been said that one of the aims of the COVID-19 response has been to reduce stress on our health care system and on our society. But what is happening is just the opposite. It is a complete disgrace. The government is totally deluded to think they have created a unified “team of 5 million”. The reality is that our society is at a state of being the most polarised ever in history.

Image credit The BFD.

But this is where we are: a segregated society of the vaccinated and the unvaccinated. Privileges for one but not the other. Does the science warrant this response? It is evident to me — and to many others — that the complexity of the science makes New Zealand’s COVID-19 response a very debatable subject. But we have been told that the only source of truth comes from our governmental podium. I have heard it said, “If you cannot question it, it is not science. It is propaganda.”

This is not my New Zealand. God defend New Zealand.
