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Melbourne commuters experiencing the joys of mass immigration.

As polls by the likes of Ipsos and even the UN regularly show, the global elite are completely out of touch with ordinary citizens. More than at perhaps any time since Marie Antoinette wondered what all those filthy peasants were complaining about, the rich and powerful, and their media lapdogs, are utterly disconnected with ordinary voters.

In Australia, especially, the disconnect is bigger than a Greens politician’s investment portfolio. What dominated Australians’ minds, at the last election? Cost of living, healthcare, housing and the economy. What have been the Albanese government’s driving priorities? A divisive, racist referendum and “Net Zero”.

As far as issues that really concern voters, Anthony Albanese is making everything worse: cost of living is soaring, largely, as a direct consequence of Labor’s “Net Zero” obsession. The economy is tanking, and the Treasurer, Arts grad Jim Chalmers, is like a rabbit in the headlights.

As for housing, the crisis is only spiralling more and more out of control – also as a direct result of Labor policies.

Especially immigration.

Do you recall Labor’s announcement during the 2022 election that it was going to increase immigration to record high levels? Do you remember Anthony Albanese’s election pledge that a Labor government would import more than 650,000 souls (in net terms) within two years and amid a housing crisis? You don’t? Nor do I. In fact, Albo and his Labor cohorts never mentioned their Big Australia-on-steroids immigration plan at all prior to forming government.

Of course they never mentioned it. Because, like the rest of the elite class, they studiously ignore what polls have unambiguously shown for years: Australians are fed up to the back teeth with the mass immigration Ponzi scheme.

As reported in The Australian last week, Labor has, without any prior warning to electors, almost doubled the former Coalition government’s already-high net migration target for 2022-23, from 180,000 to over 350,000 – enough people to almost fill a city the size of Canberra in a single year. That’s nearly a thousand new migrants a day, all requiring housing, infrastructure and public services.

Albo’s immigration minister, Andrew Giles, has been throwing around visas like confetti, with more than 5.4 million temporary and migration visas ‘finalised’ since Labor came to power. At 29.1 per cent, the foreign-born share of the resident population has eclipsed any previous historical peak and will continue rising rapidly. It is already higher than every other developed country.

This is the Big Lie of Big Australia: that it’s an unalloyed economic boost. As public deceits go, this one is a whopper. The vaunted “economic boost” of mass migration is, in reality, bugger-all. Less than a hundred dollars, per Australian, per year. The economic, not to mention social, cost is staggering. And only getting worse.

But we’re not allowed to even talk about it.

In a healthy democracy, immigration policy would be subject to an open and rational national debate and the public would be consulted about the optimal scale, speed and type of immigration. After all, immigration policy affects nearly every aspect of national life, from the housing and labour markets to the quality of life and social fabric of our communities and the state of the environment. It has profound implications for those living in Australia now and for generations to come; it determines who we are, who we want to be and how we want to live. As Geoffrey Blainey put it, immigration is everyone’s business.

Spectator Australia

That’s not how the elite sees it. Public debate is never allowed, and ever-escalating migration numbers are cobbled together behind closed doors by politicians on all sides, NGOs and big business.

And now Albanese has opened the floodgates to the largest migration surge in Australian history, without even once bothering to ask the people.

Without an ounce of self-awareness, the left-elite sneer at anyone who dares question this crippling scam by invoking comparisons with the initial British colonisation. This is not the comparison they want to make.

Because what they are inadvertently admitting is that uncontrolled immigration really is an existential threat to the host culture.

We can’t change what happened 230 years ago, but we can and should change the appalling policies the elite are inflicting, now.


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