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The BFD. Cartoon credit BoomSlang

Brooke van Velden
ACT Deputy Leader and Housing spokesperson

Eight months after the Government made a $29.9 million agreement with taxpayers’ money to buy the land at Ihumatao from Fletcher, there has been absolutely no progress to build houses.

Worse than that, the Maori Housing Minister Peeni Henare has said he’s unapologetic and admitted that no other developer would take this long to come up with a plan.

The money came from the “Land for Housing” programme and yet there is no sign of housing on the land.

Henare can’t tell us how many houses will be built or when they will be built. He simply doesn’t know the answer.

Taxpayers deserve better than this. This deal never should have gone ahead but since it has – the land should be used for the intended purpose which is to have houses built on it.

The BFD. Cartoon credit SonovaMin

The Memorandum of Understanding states that a steering committee should be formed. It still hasn’t and there’s no timeline for the formation.

How little progress has been made is beyond a joke. This Government has proven time and again it’s hopeless when it comes to housing.

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