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No Welcome Mat for Avi Yemini

Image credit The BFD.

Avi Yemini
Rebel Media

I’ve just been advised by New Zealand immigration that they are DENYING ME ENTRY into Wellington to report on what’s happening in the country.

When I went to check-in, Qantas told me that my passport had been FLAGGED and after an hour with an NZ immigration officer, I was advised that she wasn’t going to let me board.

Why, you might ask?

She told me that she was going to use the authority given to her by the Immigration Act to stop me from boarding the plane because she cited a recent FABRICATED, wildly INACCURATE and UNSUBSTANTIATED news article a New Zealand newspaper wrote about me.

You can even read for yourself what they wrote. It’s a complete hit job without any real basis in TRUTH.

No wonder I’ve had so many New Zealanders ask me to come over and report on what’s going on. Their media cannot be trusted to get the basics right.

WATCH and SHARE this video far and wide to show everyone you know just how tyrannical JACINDA ARDERN’S New Zealand has become.

Please, I need your help.

We’ve already instructed lawyers in New Zealand to appeal this incredibly unjust decision.

I’m not going to let this stop Rebel News from telling the other side of the story about what’s happening in NZ.

Jacinda Ardern clearly doesn’t want any reporting outside her tightly-controlled New Zealand media apparatus but with your help, we can get to the TRUTH.

Avi Yemini

Chief Australia Correspondent

P.S. Please sign this petition and show your support for independent reporting. We know you can’t rely on the mainstream media to report fairly and accurately about what is happening in NZ.

P.P.S. Share the news of this remarkable decision with your friends and family by posting the URL so we can combat the fake news campaign by the NZ media by letting people know the full story about what really happened.
