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New Zealand Doctors Speaking Out with Science

The World Health Organisation (WHO) is behind the implementation of amendments to the International Health Regulations (IHR), the seriousness of which was recently ignorantly dismissed by Dr Michael Baker.

New Zealand Doctors Speaking Out with Science (NZDSOS) have written extensively about the implications of the IHRs on human rights and freedoms. These concerns are also shared by Voices for Freedom, who have submitted The People’s Letter and intend to deliver it to the WHO headquarters.

Every country that is part of the WHO automatically opts in when the new regulations come into force. Under the regulations, time frames for decision-making are shortened, deferral to human rights and dignity is removed, and the WHO can impose heinous controls on member countries just on the threat of, or merely planning for, a self-declared pandemic.

On the slightly more independent internet channel, The Platform, Baker was asked by Michael Laws about the People’s Letter, which states NZ citizens would like to opt out of legislation which dramatically worsens our human rights and sovereignty protections.

NZDSOS have concerns regarding Baker’s downplaying of the seriousness of the IHRs on human freedoms.

“As a public health epidemiologist, rather than a clinical doctor treating real patients, his opinions have been given vast airtime, providing a veneer of scientism to the forced jab ideology, and shaped the ideas, concerns and expectations of many New Zealanders,” said an NZDSOS spokesperson.

“People are dead, dying and severely disabled as a result of the Covid-19 vaccine and boosters, this can’t be denied. We can’t allow the WHO to force more untested vaccines and other harmful measures onto unwilling and uninformed New Zealanders.”

The NZDSOS spokesperson said while talking to The Platform’s Michael Laws, Baker completely misrepresents the power grab the WHO is undertaking, as it radically revamps its international health regulations.

“What they are aiming for is hair-raising, and yet Baker summarises simply by saying, “there is absolutely nothing new about this…the last major amendment of the international health regulations was in 2005…it’s not at all going to compromise our sovereignty”.

He is doing far more harm than good and NZDSOS, representing New Zealand in a growing global resistance, calls him out.

Given the WHO’s proven history of exaggerating Swine Flu on behalf of pharma, of diminishing Taiwan to please China, and of trying to cover up the Wuhan bioweapon lab origin of Covid-19, it must be assumed that the WHO intends to use the draconian powers being written into international law.

Here is NZDSOS’s take on his (failing) calls for more boosters and re-masking, as well as his connections with globalist organisations oriented towards power, profit and control.
