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Hollywood will go to any lengths to keep the peasants out. The BFD.

It’s always notable just how far removed celebrity activists are from their own bullshit. Climate loudmouths like James Cameron and Leonardo DiCaprio each have carbon footprints and the sort of conspicuous consumption that dwarf entire African nations’. Wealthy Greens voters who march to demand open borders for illegal arrivals live in the whitest suburbs of Australia. Movie stars and musicians who deride capitalism are some of the richest, most privileged people on the planet.

And the celebrities forking out piles of cash to encourage rioters don’t want any of those “peaceful protests” anywhere near their gated mansions.

Using coronavirus as an excuse, the City of Beverly Hills issued a strict order earlier this week banning protests, demonstrations, and curtailing plans for an “autonomous zone” in one of the country’s wealthiest districts.

“To preserve the peace and tranquility of residential neighborhoods, effective tonight and until further notice, no more than 10 people shall gather in an assembly in a public right of way in a residential area between the hours of 9 p.m. – 8 a.m.,” the city’s social media accounts announced.

“An assembly is defined as any gathering or group of 10 or more people on a public street, sidewalk, or other public places if those 10 people have a common purpose or goal,” the order reads. “Any assembly that is silent, such as a candlelight vigil, and gatherings on private property are exempt from this emergency order.”

These are the same idiots chirping about Black Lives Matter and “Defund the Police” – yet Beverley Hills is not just one of the whitest places in America (just 2% of its population is black), it’s also one of the most heavily policed.

Celebrities like to talk a good game about “revolution” on Twitter, but they’re not about to open the gates of their fortified compounds to a bunch of looting, destroying yahoos in black face-masks. Standards must be maintained, after all.

The order, Hot Air reports, stems from fallout over an “Occupy” protest that played loud music and otherwise disrupted sleeping Beverly Hills residents between the hours of 10 pm and 1 am sometime last week.

It may also be the direct result of looting and rioting that took place along the city’s tony Rodeo Drive shopping district. As in places like Chicago, Illinois, and New York City, looters and rioters took advantage of massive anti-racism protests to steal from high-end retailers like Gucci and Louis Vuitton. So far, the looters and rioters have avoided the city’s residential areas as well as residential areas surrounding Los Angeles, California, but that is not an ongoing guarantee.

Which might be why the LA councilwoman who blithered about “defund the police” at the same time had a personal, 24/7 LAPD guard outside her own house.

After all, she wouldn’t want to end up like the progressive mayor in Olympia Washington, who enthusiastically endorsed the riots sweeping America – until her own house was vandalised. Then, it was suddenly “domestic terrorism”.

Or the clown from ESPN who cheered for rioters to “burn that shit down”…until they started to burn his shit down.


Regardless of the merits (or otherwise) of their cause, the protesters and rioters in America need to realise that the ultra-rich in Hollywood don’t really give a rat’s arse about them. They’re just treating the riots as real-life entertainment. Hollywood is indulging in the political equivalent of frat boys paying hobos to beat each other up for shits and giggles.

Hollywood are the new Patricians, and America is their personal Coliseum.

Hollywood will go to any lengths to keep the peasants out. The BFD.

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