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Now That’s What I Call a Rogue Poll

Newshub have released their latest poll and it has to be a complete joke.

It is hard believe that they have the cheek to claim that this poll is the most accurate.

The headline numbers are:

Labour: 60.9% up 4.4%, 77 seats
National: 25.1% down 5.5%, 32 seats
Greens: 5.7%, 7 seats
Act: 3.3%, 4 seats
NZ First: 2%

Preferred PM

Jacinda Ardern: 62%
Judith Collins: 14.6%

I hate it when people call polls rogue, but this one is so out of whack that I think that even Labour will be saying it too.

1News are in the field so we will soon see whether we can believe Newshub.
