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The Woke Inquisitors are coming for the Zuck himself. The BFD. Photoshop by Lushington Brady.

As the ghost of many a commissar would attest, today’s denouncer is as likely to face the firing squad tomorrow. Even Robespierre eventually found out what it was like to end up a victim of his own Terror. Not even attempted suicide saved him from the guillotine. Nazi boot-boy Ernst Rohm was at least given the option of shooting himself.

That grim lesson echoes down the ages to today. You can never be woke enough for the bloodthirsty left.

The plutocrats of Silicon Valley have been as assiduous as any Maoist cadre in seeking out and persecuting “rightist subversives”, but if they think that’s going to save them from the gimlet-eyed inquisitors of the left, they’ve got another thing coming.

Not even the mighty Zuck is safe from the Days of the Long Knives sweeping Washington in the wake of the Reichstag fire Capitol riot.

The Woke Inquisitors are coming for the Zuck himself. The BFD. Photoshop by Lushington Brady.
In a battle of social media superstars, Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez slammed Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg for what she said was his role in fomenting the Jan. 6 riot at Capitol Hill.

It should be borne in mind that “Occasional-Cortex” is not exactly Ms Popularity in her own district. In fact, she’ll be lucky to be re-elected (which is probably why she’s been talking up a move to the Senate). But none of that matters in the tiny echo-chamber of left-wing social media. In fact, the far-left of the Democrats have become so emboldened in their Great Purge that they’ve started to bite the hands that made them famous.

The social media magnate, she said, has coddled white supremacist groups on Facebook — and even, she charged, attended “dinner parties with white supremacist sympathizers.”

“They specifically treated this type of radicalization differently, aka with kid gloves,” AOC said, pointing to her contentious exchange with Zuckerberg in a congressional hearing in 2019.

“I asked him specifically about disinformation related to the election.”

Here, we might take a break for a good belly-laugh. Disinformation? It’s just been revealed, after all, that despite her tale of terror and lurid accusations that Ted Cruz was, like, totally gonna murder her, Socialist Barbie wasn’t even in the Capitol building on January 6.

As Australian criminal “Chopper” Read used to say, “Never let the truth get in the way of a good yarn”. But then, unlike politicians, Chopper was unapologetic about being a criminal.

And Zuck is getting a harsh lesson that being Jewish and married to an Asian isn’t going to stop barking mad leftists calling you a “white supremacist”.

Ocasio-Cortez has claimed for months that Facebook’s use of the conservative news outlet the Daily Caller in its fact-checking efforts is evidence of Zuckerberg’s sympathy toward white supremacists.
“There’s a very clear link here,” she insisted Friday.

Um, the Daily Caller is wholly owned and run by minorities – an Indian-American conservative and a Muslim-American Democrat.

The Daily Caller has rejected Ocasio-Cortez’s accusations, calling them “offensive.”

The New York Post

Not just offensive but batshit-crazy and as dumb as a box of hammers.

But, then, that’s AOC for you.

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