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Nutbag Trannies Threaten to Kill Author

Don’t you dare say they’re crazy weirdos. The BFD.

It’s been said that, if trannies really wanted to convince us that transgenderism is not a mental illness, they might start by not acting so barking mad all the time.

Case in point: transgender activists are deeply, furiously, offended by Harry Potter author J. K. Rowling’s latest crime-fiction novel about a cross-dressing killer. In fact, they’re so offended by the fictional suggestion that a transgender might be a murderer that they’re…threatening to murder her.

The British writer is receiving a plethora of death threats from the trans community after writing a book about a cross-dressing killer.

I’m not quite sure that they’re making the point that they intended.

Despite their claims that it portrays the trans community in a negative light, the book is not in anyway, shape, or form, about trans people. Nope. It’s about a psychopath with mummy issues who likes to cross-dress because it arouses him. Does that describe trans people? I didn’t think so… but maybe it does?

It’s not as if there is any shortage of very real cross-dressing killers and would-be killers. In 2017, a cock-in-a-frock named “Evie” went on a berserk axe-attack rampage in a Sydney 7-Eleven, grievously wounding three people. In 2019, Roderick Deakin-White beat his girlfriend to death after she objected to him wearing women’s clothing, especially while they had sex. In the 1960s, Jerry Brudos kidnapped and murdered four women, while wearing women’s clothing. The real-life inspiration for “Psycho” and “The Texas Chainsaw Massacre”, Ed Gein, took cross-dressing to a gruesome extreme by dressing in women’s body parts.

Still, it’s not like trannies would resort to the sort of gibbering lunacy like literally throwing their own poo at things they don’t like. Oh wait…

In Vancouver, Canada, a sign of support was erected to show support for the author after all the hate she got. But, after only one day, trans rights activists hurled a mixture of faeces and other gross bodily fluids at the sign before demanding that the billboard owner remove the sign because it showed support for “transphobia”.

But nothing says, “we’re not crazed, murderous loonies who hate women” than threatening to kill a woman just because she doesn’t think a strapping young lad in a dress is a bona fide, born-with-two-XXs, female.

“If I ever saw you on the street, I wouldn’t hestitate to murder you, you [expletive deleted] TERF,” one user tweeted[…]

Another wrote, “I hope somebody kills you and writes a book about it.”

“Let’s make JK TERFing’s book a reality. I Think I could kill that Nazi and get away with it,” another user Tweeted.

Nope, these people are clearly as sane and rational as could be.

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