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Givealittle Don’t Care If You’re Broke as Long as You’re ‘Woke’

Photoshopped image credit: Boondecker

New Zealand’s Givealittle has revealed their true colours by telling the media that they would refuse Israel Folau the use of their site if he ever wanted to use it. They don’t care if he needs money to fight an injustice. They have judged him and decided that he is not woke enough.

In complete contrast, Australia’s Gofundme has allowed him to fundraise on their site thus showing that the Aussies have more respect for free speech than their Kiwi counterparts.

This is yet another example of a ‘Woke’ business getting away with discriminating against customers. Can you imagine how the media would spin the story if Givealittle refused to allow Nicky Hager to fundraise for a legal battle? No one would care that Nicky Hager has a trust fund; they would say that, if his fans wanted to financially support his legal battle, then they should be allowed to do so. Israel Folau, however, is another matter, as he doesn’t fit the ‘woke’ mould.

New Zealand crowdfunding website would almost certainly refuse to host a fundraising page for sacked rugby player Israel Folau if asked, according to its owner.
Spark Foundation Lead Kate Thomas, said the organisation’s close links with New Zealand’s LGBTQI+ community meant such a page would contravene its values.
Israel Folau has launched a public fundraising campaign to help fight his sacking by Rugby Australia despite owning a $5m property portfolio.

“We would want to consult with our lawyers and OUTline before we made a definite call, but I think I know where it would land,” Thomas said. […]
“If a page debut affects the reputation of Givealittle or the Spark Foundation, then we wouldn’t want it on the platform.”

I wonder how the many New Zealand Christian organisations, who regularly use Givealittle, feel about Israel Folau being labelled as someone who would negatively affect Givealittle’s reputation because of his Christian beliefs?

She confirmed Givealittle had moved to distance itself on social media at the weekend from the Australian crowdfunding site, which is hosting Folau’s fundraising page.

My goodness. Givealittle NZ is treating Christian beliefs as if they are a communicable disease. Israel Folau has been turned into a modern-day leper. No one wants to catch his Christian cooties.

“They’ve shown they’re prepared to support rainbow communities even in the face of public criticism,” Clunie said.
“We’re not surprised that Givealittle would choose to focus on real causes and needs in our communities, and would be unlikely to support fundraisers that back hate speech.”


Christian beliefs are hate speech. Got it.


Iwi Bandits Are at Work

Iwi Bandits Are at Work

If iwi keep inventing new privileges under Article Two of the Treaty, then the Crown should use Article Three which says that Māori rights and duties are the same as those of everyone else.

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