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NZ Is a Country Deeply Divided

The great divide. Cartoon credit BoomSlang. The BFD

Recently Willie Jackson (MP) addressed a group of 5,000 at a big marae. He shook his fist in the air and proclaimed,

When we have control of the water we have total control of Aotearoa.

Anthony Willy, (Former) Judge and Law lecturer, wrote

We are witnessing a coup designed to dismantle our democracy and the Rule of Law and replace it with the worst form of tribalism…

Two quotes by two men with similar names, stating positions as far apart as they can get. Opinions are incredibly polarised throughout New Zealand and not only about water. Some, like Willie Jackson, want sovereignty over all water in New Zealand. Principled Kiwis, like Anthony Willy are coming up against a powerful and destructive agenda from the Labour Party. Kiwis are being pitted against each other.

The disturbing depths of division are ignored by this Labour Government. Kiwis are commenting they have never before heard such a level of disdain; Jacinda Ardern and her deputy Grant Robertson can no longer go around the country freely without protection. This anger, from the normally congenial people of these beautiful islands, they have brought upon themselves. The Labour Government continues to implement their radical and destructive agenda. Willie Jackson’s rallying cry with a raised fist, seemingly against all non-Maori, is an apartheid plan to dismantle democracy.

The great divide. Cartoon credit BoomSlang. The BFD

Other divisive issues that people now find themselves arguing about include:

  • vaccine injuries
  • ramraids
  • homicides
  • business closures
  • desperate shortages of workers
  • disruptive and threatening tenants who cannot be evicted
  • doctors and nurses mandated out of jobs in a broken health system
  • farmers vilified
  • tikanga
  • Disinformation Project and SIS snooping overreach
  • educational system failure
  • truancy
  • polytechnics in disarray
  • homelessness
  • interest rate and cost of living rises.

This country, my country, New Zealand, the one I love, has been pushed into chaotic, angry division by this dreadful Labour Government.

In June 2022, Anthony Willy said

The catch cry ‘democracy does not work for Maori’ has become the mantra for the destruction of democracy.

Quite simply we are witnessing a coup designed to dismantle our democracy and the Rule of Law and replace it with the worst form of tribalism coupled with the greed of those who want what they have not earned.

The rollout of the Government’s He Puapua plan to establish Maori sovereignty by 2040 is proceeding at breathtaking speed.

We are living in revolutionary times. It is a coup by a small number of iwi elite, who have their hands on the levers of power thanks to our Prime Minister’s willingness to sacrifice New Zealand democracy for totalitarian tribal rule.
Jacinda to Tiki. Concept credit Juana. Photoshopped image credit The BFD.
Virtually every facet of our society is now subjected to the iwi elite’s influence over their latest ‘conquest’, the legal system, by replacing British common law that has evolved over hundreds of years with Maori tribal practices.

Replacing democracy with tribal rule is so extreme, that Jacinda Ardern knew she would lose the 2020 General Election if her plan became known.

As a result, she kept He Puapua hidden from her New Zealand First coalition partner – and from the public – until after she had secured the power to govern alone. None of the significant changes being introduced through He Puapua, which are undermining democracy and our Kiwi way of life, have received a mandate from the public.

The restructuring of health, polytechnics, our legal system and water services are all illegitimate policy changes designed to pass control to the tribal elite. None have public approval.

In this climate of division created by Jacinda Ardern, key institutions are being corrupted from their original purpose of serving all New Zealanders as equals, to prioritising and privileging those of Maori descent. Under her leadership, democracy is being replaced by apartheid.

Jacinda Ardern is not doing this alone. Supporting her are the powerful members of Labour’s 15-strong Maori Caucus.

He Puapua is dangerous, it spells the end of one law for all, and of DEMOCRACY,  He Puapua must go.
New Zealand, we cannot remain silent, we must voice and demonstrate our opposition to He Puapua now!

The horse has already bolted so far down the track, it’s going to take a lot of reining in to undo this mess. But undo it we must.

Anthony Willy’s background:
