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Photoshopped image credit The BFD.

Things are bad down under in New Zealand. Former Labour Minister Dr Michael Bassett (1984-1990) writes of Jacinda Ardern’s Government:

We are experiencing the worst government of my lifetime, one that has caused more damage and divisions in our society than there has been at any time since the Great Depression.

A collection of small things add up to an unfolding collapse of civil society as we have known it.

Dr Michael Bassett

The Tory Telegraph’s (UK) article “The rise and fall of Jacinda Ardern” by Matthew Lesh predicts Ardern is on track to lose the next election. Hundreds of comments, many made by Kiwis, range from despairing to scathing to saying it is far worse living in NZ than they report.

This young PM became the darling of the progressive world, but the carefully constructed façade is wearing thin.

NZ’s society is heading for a collapse under Jacinda Ardern.

It must be shouted out that racial division is one of the main causes of Ardern’s reduced popularity and will most likely be the ultimate cause of her demise.

Nanaia Mahuta, one of the Maori MPs, was interviewed by Jack Tame recently on Q & A regarding the duplicity of the Three Waters racial debacle and the suspicion of nepotism due to her family members being appointed to high-paying government jobs. She tried to justify her position. Her manner of diffusing an accusation of nepotism was to criticise the critics. The small comments and nuances are easily passed over but once noticed are revealing. She let slip that there have been a lot of Official Information Act (OIA) requests. She quietly bristled! The number of OIAs is indicative that Kiwis are not happy!

Kiwis are increasingly using the OIA. It has become essential as it is the only way ordinary New Zealanders can find out what is happening behind the scenes. Using these requests guarantees at least some transparency from this closed Government.

The Official Information Act (1982) has turned out to be one of the most important laws in the country in 2022.

NZ citizens are enduring a secretive, unopposed, out-of-control Labour cabinet and Government riding roughshod over New Zealanders and ignoring their wishes.

The marxist, socialist agenda and racially divisive plans have particularly angered Kiwis.

As Michael Bassett says:

Te Tiriti rules public discourse: not the simple three-clause Treaty of Waitangi that was celebrated in 1990, its 150th year, but the bullswool version made up by a few academics, Maori radicals, Labour and the Greens.

Laws are being rammed through without any democratic decision-making. It riles Winston Peters, the former deputy prime minister, that his party was outfoxed by Ardern as they were never advised about her intentions of co-governance along racial lines.

It is notable that the requests for OIAs have increased in number. For the month June 2016, it appears there were 12 requests. Most recently, in June 2022, it seems there are pages of requests.

New Zealanders need to keep asking Labour for information from every department. Ardern’s MPs won’t like it, but it brings some form of accountability for the next 18 months while they remain in power.

Another way to expose the agenda of Ardern is to have whistle-blowers from inside the Labour Party.

On the 4th of May 2022, Liz Gunn interviewed Winston Peters, immediately after he received a 2-year trespass order (later withdrawn) banning him from the Parliament Grounds.

His ‘crime’ was to visit and listen to the freedom protestors, to find out what their concerns were. To everyone’s surprise, Peters also explained, not all are morons in the Labour Party. He said being in coalition with Labour and the Greens was the hardest period of his life because the Labour Party could not run a school tuck shop let alone a country. He said he found there were a few who were as alarmed as he was.

He mentioned he has respect for those few, as his friends. He talked about freedoms Kiwis have known, which are under serious threat. (See at 9 minutes).  New Zealanders not only need to make more OIA requests but they need these alarmed Labour MPs to whistleblow. If they are seriously concerned as Peters says, they need to come out of the woodwork and speak up for the sake of their country.

Surely, the Ombudsman delving into all the correspondence and emails around Three Waters would have been welcomed by Mahuta if she had nothing to hide? Surely Winston is correct when he says we are about to blow it if we stand by and do nothing?

We need those few Labour MPs who aren’t morons to spill the beans and tell us what is going on.

Or perhaps, we simply sit back and watch the unfolding of the whole shemozzle as it collapses around us?
