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NZ Politics Daily: 31 October 2024

Republished with Permission

Author: Bryce Edwards

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Dr Bryce Edwards, Political Analyst in Residence, Democracy Project, Victoria University of Wellington

Alexia Russell (RNZ): The Detail: Why abuse survivors want the Solicitor-General gone
John Weekes (Herald): Abuse in care Royal Commission apology: Survivors ‘hypervigilant’ and many have unrealistic payout expectations, advocate says (paywalled)
Giles Dexter (RNZ): Lake Alice survivors: Relief, annoyance over Crown move on legal fees
RNZ: Crown to pay Lake Alice survivors back $2.67m for legal fees
1News: Lake Alice: Government to address historic redress inequities
Ava Whitworth (Stuff): The Crown will reimburse legal fees to survivors abused at the Lake Alice Child and Adolescent Unit
Tina Law (Press): Government develops fund to help identify graves of former psychiatric patients (paywalled)
Herald Editorial: Government rights historic wrong with Lake Alice survivors – now we must ensure history never repeats (paywalled)

Danyl McLauchlan (Listener): Why economies fail: Stark lessons for NZ from a 2024 Nobel Prize winner (paywalled)
Brian Easton (Pundit): Why Nations Fail
Peter Griffin (BusinessDesk): We know what we need to do to be more innovative (paywalled)
Nanaia Mahuta (Herald): Māori futures chart towards nationhood and economic success
Susan Edmunds (RNZ): How much have prices risen in five years?
Anneke Smith (RNZ): Benefit forecasts highlight need for tougher sanctions, government says
Stuff: Report suggests young people spending more of their lives on a benefit
Ella Somers (Interest): ANZ calls for Government KiwiSaver contributions for under-18s
Maddy Croad (Press): Te Tahi Youth becomes largest provider of programme to help struggling young jobseekers (paywalled)

RNZ: Health system relies on doctors overworking, says burnt out cardiologist
Ruth Hill (RNZ): Cuts to clinical leadership bad for regions, say frontline health workers
Tess Brunton (RNZ): Dunedin council commits to funding of Save Our Southern Hospital campaign
Grant Miller (ODT): Sam Neill slams govt; council votes for campaign overspend
Craig McCulloch (RNZ): Nearly $100,000 spent on catering Health NZ conference
Adam Pearse (Herald): How smoking ended NZ First minister Casey Costello’s father’s life
RNZ: Slight fall in suspected suicide figures, Māori still worst-affected
Stewart Sowman-Lund (Spinoff): Suspected suicide numbers are still high. Can a new action plan turn it around?
Anna Sophia (Spinoff): The bleak reality of working in mental health when you don’t have Mike King’s funding
Rohan Botica (Spinoff): The impact of long Covid will be huge. So why is New Zealand doing nothing about it?
Jemima Huston (RNZ): Pay later alcohol sales need more protections - credit advisor
RNZ: Otago students sceptical of changes to Local Alcohol Policy

Julia Gabel (Herald): Foreshore and seabed: Iwi, academics, lawyers, Hobson’s Pledge have their say during Select Committee hearing
Pokere Paewai (RNZ): Changes to customary marine title 'deeply reckless' - law expert
Michael Daly (Stuff): Courts have made a mockery of Parliament’s customary marine area intentions, Brash says
Tumamao HarawiraIwi (Te Ao Māori News): Iwi to keep marine customary title regardless of legislation rollback - Hobson’s Pledge
Brent Edwards (NBR): Iwi call on Government to abandon customary rights legislation (paywalled)
Lianne Dalziel (Newsroom): Seymour is relying on us not knowing our history
Emma Andrews (RNZ): Hīkoi mō te Tiriti: South Island to join nationwide hīkoi to Parliament
Tuwhenuaroa Natanahira (RNZ): Tūhoe elders seek urgent hearing into iwi election process

Verity Johnson (Stuff): The Greens shouldn’t waste this crisis
Richard Harman (Politik): Boldness be my friend (paywalled)
Krystal Gibbens (RNZ): DIA restructure finds more job cuts, despite protests from staff, union
Simon O’Connor: Entitlement
Centrist: Richard Prebble’s Waitangi Tribunal appointment sparks criticism, but what about the existing bias?

Today’s free version of “NZ Politics Daily” contains links to 42 items above, and the full version, which continues below the paywall below, has links to an additional 73 categorised items, and today’s cartoons. To subscribe to the full version, click on “Subscribe now” link below. Your paid subscription helps keep the newsletter going, which is 100% subscriber-funded and not-for-profit. I’m also happy to give complimentary full subscriptions to anyone on limited budgets - just email me:

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