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NZ Race Relations Roundup

Maori Waka carving


Kelvin Davis launches new Maori Pathways prisoner rehabilitation scheme

The Government is hoping “a for Maori, by Maori approach” will reduce reoffending and the over-representation of tangata whenua in prison.

Maori make up about 15 per cent of the general population but more than 50 per cent of the prison population in New Zealand.

“This is a system change and a culture change for our prisons – and that change starts today,” Davis said…

Rotorua Airport’s $5.3m revamp acknowledged

Business Hub and collaboration with mana whenua to incorporate te reo Maori in the fabric of the overall redevelopment.

“It was incredibly important to us to have full bilingual signage incorporated into the redesign and we are committed to continuing to work with mana whenua on this kaupapa.”

“It is always a privilege to be gifted the opportunity to promote, revitalise and perpetuate te reo Maori,” Anaha states…

Collins’s prescription leaves Maori separated

Maori Party co-leader Rawiri Waititi says the National Party’s prescription for Maori health is an early death.

National’s leader Judith Collins has described the proposed Maori Health Authority as separatist, and said a future National Government would scrap the reforms and go back to district health boards.

Mr Waititi says it’s the current system which is separatist, because it consistently delivers poorer outcomes for Maori…

All councillors now sit on Bay of Plenty Regional Council’s Maori committee

For the first time, all Bay of Plenty Regional councillors now sit on its Komiti Maori committee.

Kohi Maori constituency councillor Toi Kai Rakau Iti said it was the first step in a longer journey the council must walk.

Before a vote earlier this month, only seven of the 14 regional councillors sat on the committee.

Now all are required to attend.

“All of council has a responsibility to engage and partner with Maori,” Iti said…


Division, half-facts won’t help us face our many challenges

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