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NZ Teachers Are Looking for a Win in High Court This Week

Photo by WilliamCho. The BFD.

New Zealand Teachers Speaking out with Science

Buoyed by the significant ruling of Justice Francis Cooke in favour of the police and Defence Force on Friday, education staff from across the country are expecting a positive result for their case against Minister of Covid-19 Response, the Director-General of Health and the Attorney-General in the High Court in Wellington, commencing tomorrow 3rd March. The New Zealand Teachers case to have their Mandate Revoked will be heard in front of Justice Cooke and be supported by 81 Affidavits from across the education sector.

The Lawyer for NZTSOS (New Zealand Teachers Speaking out with Science) will be challenging:

  • The Order as a breach of the New Zealand Human Rights Act 1990 and the right to refuse medical treatment. The Mandate of Educational Staff has seen many pressured and coerced into taking the vaccine against their judgement and will to keep their employment
  • The legality of the Order and a review of the powers given to the Government and its ministers to make that Order
  • A review of the exemption criteria as set by Ashleigh Bloomfield himself, were unreasonable
  • The Mandate is not fit for purpose as it does not “prevent and limit the risk of, the outbreak or spread of Covid-19” COVID-19 Public Health Response (Vaccination) Amendment Order 2022. In short, the increasing evidence and varied evidence has shown the vaccine DOES NOT stop transmission
  • The social and economic harm upon the educational community of principals, teachers, support staff, business owners, students, parents, the wider communities rural and urban across New Zealand out ways the benefit.
“But schools have overinterpreted that and are imposing all these unnecessary restrictions on kids in that age group, not being able to play sport, not being able to go and participate in school activities, and it’s all because of their parents’ decisions which they are being punished for,”

Prof. Peter McIntyre Immunisation Advisory Centre Medical Advisor/ RNZ 18th February 2022

“The mandating of the educational sector was unjustified in the first place and has reeked hovoc in our lives, our schools, early childhood centres and communities across the country. It was never right in the first place and it needs to be revoked NOW” said Mike Shaw Spokesperson for NZTSOS.

Members and supporters of NZTSOS have begun arriving in Wellington from around the country. “Yes we do have some peaceful protests planned in Wellington over the next 5 days. It’s important that the public of New Zealand hear our concerns and objections to these crazy mandates. After all it is affecting the education of their children”. Said Mr Shaw
