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Photo by Álvaro Serrano. The BFD.

New Zealand Doctors Speaking Out with Science

On Thursday 29 February, members from New Zealand Doctors Speaking Out with Science (NZDSOS) presented a comprehensive letter to parliament documenting our concerns and the growing body of evidence of harm from the covid injections. The gathering marked a significant moment not only for democracy in our country but also in our long campaign to get our voices heard and our commitment to truth which started back in April 2021 when NZDSOS formed.

The day is noteworthy for a number of reasons, firstly our presence was acknowledged, and we were pleased to welcome an audience with Deputy Prime Minister Winston Peters and New Zealand First MP Tanya Unkovich. Secondly, we were able to give our comprehensive letter in person to a representative from the highest levels of government. This is indeed an advancement for all New Zealanders who have sought truth and medical freedom since our rights as free individuals were threatened and taken away under the guise of a pandemic emergency in 2020 with the governments Covid elimination strategy.

In accepting our letter to parliament, the Deputy Prime Minister has taken a step towards mending the harms, healing the division within our nation, and provided cause for quiet optimism that our collective voices are making a difference and that the truth will be revealed.

Our message is simple and has consistently been voiced from the outset – stop the injections pending a thorough and transparent inquiry. We owe this at least to the thousands of lives negatively affected by the injections by way of adverse harms and death. And finally to all our MPs, remember you have a duty to represent all New Zealanders – we ask you to read our letter, consider the concerns therein and to act honourably for the sake of your people and our nation.

Read here: NZDSOS Comprehensive Letter to Parliament – 29 February 2024

29 February 2024

Dear MPs, Ministers and relevant regulators.

Executive summary of our position and concerns:

We refer to our extensive list of emails and open letters available here, with the most recent summary of harms here.

  1. The covid-19 injection must be withdrawn immediately. It is the most dangerous medical product ever released. Serious harms are a fact.
  2. New Zealanders are dying and being damaged in large numbers, and continuing to recommend the injection will cause more harm and death to New Zealanders.
  3. The approval process, and the Pfizer contract itself, are based on fraud, and thus can be cancelled. The injection was sold, to politicians and the public alike, as preventing covid. Plainly it does not; it actually increases covid infections. In the original approval trial (which indicated an absolute efficacy of 0.84%), and the trial for young children, crucial negative data was withheld.
  4. The product tested in the clinical trial was manufactured by Process 1 while the product being injected into New Zealanders is manufactured differently, and thus different by definition, at scale, by Process 2.
  5. There have been multiple significant discoveries since the vaccine rollout, each of which should have triggered a recall by Medsafe. Some of them are listed below:
  1. Our safety monitoring system (CARM) is unfit for purpose and has not been able (or willing) to do the thorough assessment required for each serious adverse event and death following vaccination.
  2. The nation is in jeopardy and a properly resourced inquiry – independent of
    pandemic decision makers – must be instituted, but not before the immediate
    cessation of the covid injections, which have not prevented the ‘fifth wave of covid’ in the vaccinated.
  3. Other countries now only recommend the injections to older patients. New Zealand ploughs on, despite most ‘cases’ occurring in the multiply vaccinated, and is currently introducing an ‘updated’ injection for a variant that is no longer circulating. This is being recommended to everyone over the age 30 and higher risk younger people.
  4. Some nations with low vaccination rates have avoided the excessive death toll of ALL the heavily ‘vaccinated’ countries. For instance, the most highly injected European countries have the highest current excess all-cause mortality – Finland and Portugal – whilst the least ‘vaccinated’ countries of Romania and Bulgaria have the lowest death rates.
  5. NZ is in the grip of an epidemic of sudden unexplained deaths, and all-time high mortality rates – conservatively estimated by eminent economist John Gibson at over 4000 excess deaths since the rollout. He also deals with the purported negative excess mortality during the pandemic, discussed here. The media is full of stories of “Died Suddenly” and young people having a “medical event”. MPs were told, incorrectly, that modelling suggested many lives were saved from covid. We strongly disagree.

In summary, since the jab hasn’t worked, is dangerous and it may be up to 2 years
until an Inquiry releases its final report, caution and common-sense dictate that we must stop it now. Lives can be saved by doing so and the New Zealand parliament can be seen as a world leader.

NZDSOS members request to discuss our concerns in more detail and with
references, in person.


Dr Matthew Shelton, Dr Cindy de Villiers, Dr Alison Goodwin on behalf of all members and supporters of NZDSOS

Image Credit: NZDSOS

Downloadable PDF: The NZDSOS Comprehensive Letter to Parliament


Thank you to all our supporters who gathered with us on Thursday 29, February as our letter to parliament was handed to Deputy Prime Minister Winston Peters. Together we are stronger.
