New Zealand Doctors Speaking Out with Science
Comparing Excess Death With Expected Death
Excess deaths, expected deaths, with Covid, of Covid, from Covid – the numbers are being deliberately blurred.
As an example, the mainstream media never tell us in their frenzied reporting of deaths associated with Covid-19 that every week around 600 New Zealanders die, or around 85 people daily.

The 20-year-old in this headline from 20 February 2023 died “with” a positive Covid test (possibly a false positive result), not “from” Covid, as ascertained by comparing the previous week’s figures (two weeks ago), with last week’s figures, from the MoH Case Demographics page.

Covid poses an extremely low risk to young people. In normal circumstances, professional journalism standards would require that this fact be made clear to the public. The most recent infection fatality rates are reported by a team at Stanford University led by eminent infectious disease epidemiologist Professor John Ioannidis, published in January 2023: Age-stratified infection fatality rate of Covid-19 in the non-elderly population.

As can be seen on the StatsNZ portal, between 50 per cent and 75 per cent of New Zealand’s weekly deaths occur in people aged over 80 years old. This is also to be expected given that the average life expectancy of New Zealanders in 2020, according to the World Bank, was 82 years old.
Excess Death in New Zealand in 2022
An official information act response received recently has allowed for clearer analysis of data which is not always available from StatsNZ. In the five years pre-pandemic, 2015 to 2019, the average number of annual deaths was 32,805. In 2022 a total of 39,313 deaths were recorded. This is an increase over the pre-pandemic average of 6,508 deaths, or around 17 per cent higher than the expected average. This difference between expected deaths (around 32,805) and actual deaths (39,313) is what is referred to as ‘excess deaths’. Similar stats are being seen in the other most vaccinated countries.

According to the NZ Herald and other mainstream outlets, the unprecedented increase in deaths of New Zealanders which occurred last year can be blamed on Covid-19. They claim a reference to NZStats, who in fact do not provide information on cause of death. In fact, during 2022 a total of 2,367 deaths were recorded as having a positive Covid test, of which 1,458 had Covid as the underlying cause of death.

Of these 2,367 deaths, 1,719 (72 per cent) had received a booster dose. According to RNZ: Covid-19 Data Visualisations (last updated 4 January 2023), only 54 per cent of the population had a first booster and only 15 per cent have had a second booster.

StatsNZ released the following information on 20 February 2023, suggesting a strong safety signal relating to the boosters, especially for older age groups. This is neither safe nor effective.

Being raw numbers rather than rates, an argument could be made (contrary to available data as above), that rather than reflecting any safety signal with the vaccines, in particular beyond the first two doses, it may merely reflect that more people, especially in the older age group, have received boosters. Even this argument is problematic given that the purpose of receiving these injectables, is to reduce risk, which clearly they fail to do.
Note the term “not fully vaccinated”. Obviously attempting to obfuscate here, lumped in with the uninjected are all the single injected, including those injured, regretful, or, frankly, dead from their first injection or within an unknown period after their 2nd, possibly 14 or 28 days. These statistical cons have been showing up all over the world as public authorities try to hide the awful truth and lie to our faces.
Note too, the lumping of all the young into the under 60 group, hiding what is likely to be the massive death risk borne disproportionately by the young injected, which shows up clearly in UK and European data.
Further breakdown of the rates per 100,000 people in each group is compared in the graph below. This removes the potential for bias when comparing raw numbers. Those who have received more than two doses remain consistently far more likely to die, than those meeting the criteria of “fully vaccinated”; whose vaccines also show almost no protective effect compared with the unvaccinated. Again, note the same sleight of hand with who is defined as unvaccinated. Even so the effect is still obvious. These injections kill.

Read More About Excess Deaths in New Zealand in 2022
This is a highly concerning issue which New Zealanders need to be aware of, and which mainstream media are busy obfuscating around. For deeper analyses than we provide here, see the following articles written by proficient international data analysts. The real life experiences of an increasing number of “vaccine” recipients across the globe confirms the data showing that these vaccines are both unsafe and ineffective.
Steve Kirsch
Kirsch visited New Zealand recently and has been following our data and issues closely. A successful big tech entrepreneur, he established the Covid-19 Early Treatment Fund at the beginning of the pandemic to explore the use of repurposed existing drugs for early treatment of Covid-19. His June 2021 appearance on the Darkhorse Podcast with evolutionary biologist Dr Bret Weinstein and vaccinologist Dr Robert Malone, expressing their concerns about the pandemic response, launched him into the Covid limelight.
Last year Kirsch founded the Vaccine Safety Research Foundation. This is a team of scientists, doctors and statisticians researching the safety of the Covid-19 vaccines.
New Zealand’s 2022 Data is Out…
Pharmafiles is an anonymous blogger on Substack, claiming to expose big pharma “from the inside”. The articles competently explore pandemic response and Covid-19 vaccination issues from an angle that is entirely absent from mainstream news outlets.
NZDSOS is concerned that the data which New Zealanders need to know is being deliberately hidden and obfuscated by authorities and their media mouth-pieces. What are they so desperately trying to hide? It’s very obvious to us, and they are lying through their teeth to avoid it.