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I know nothing. Photoshopped image credit Boondecker. The BFD.

The prime minister ‘Jaz’ (I have a communications degree) Ardern see-saws in Obfuscation 101 tactics now. Sorry, Jaz, but we can see straight through it.

Ms Ardern: You weren’t asked when you first saw the claims, you were asked when you first knew of them, when the sexual nature of the claims was communicated to you and when you were first advised of them. You lied, flat-out lied, got caught, and now you treat us as if we’re as stupid as your Labour party numpties, thinking we’ll be sucked in by your shabby ‘first saw’ sleight-of-hand. How very juvenile. Who thought that up? Neve?

Your clueless mendacity simply cements your guilt.
