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You know, sometimes I hate being right (as I occasionally am). Pretty early on in the pandemic madness I reported the concerns of some doctors that lockdowns would lead, a few years down the road, to a spike in deaths, due to delayed or missed regular health checks or progress screening. These sensible, concerned doctors were, naturally, shouted down by the honking seals of government-approved “experts”.

But, here we are, just a year down the track, and, surprise, surprise.

Excess deaths in England and Wales jumped sharply at the end of 2022, with a mixture of flu, cold weather and access to emergency care likely to have contributed to a spike in mortality, new figures show.

The number of registered deaths was 20 per cent above average in the week ending 30 December and 21 per cent above average in the week to 23 December, according to the Office for National Statistics (ONS).

To the hammers of both sides of the Covid idiot chorus, forever banging around in search of nails, this is taken as vindication of whatever it is they choose to believe. No matter what the evidence.

For a start, it’s not Covid.

Of the 684 excess deaths in private homes in the last week of 2022, only 26 (4 per cent) involved Covid-19.

It’s also not the big, bad, bogey-vax.

Levels remain particularly high among people dying at home, where deaths were 37 per cent above average in the week to 30 December, compared with 20 per cent higher for care homes and 15 per cent higher for hospitals.

Given that care home patients especially are overwhelmingly likely to have at least three, probably four or five, boosters, if the vax were the culprit, there should therefore have been more deaths in care homes.

By contrast, deaths involving flu and pneumonia have “increased in recent weeks”, the ONS said, accounting for 22 per cent of all the deaths registered in England and Wales in the week to 30 December, up from 17 per cent the previous week and 15 per cent at the start of December.

Which suggests two possible factors joining together in a vicious one-two.

Firstly, the sharp rise in energy poverty, thanks to the UK government’s deranged monomania for “net zero” policies and unreliable, expensive “renewables”. In recent years, the British energy regulator has documented that, thousands of mostly poor and old people died simply because they couldn’t afford to heat their homes. With the onset of a particularly harsh winter, combined with a climate politics-induced energy crisis, it’s not surprising that deaths from cold weather diseases have spiked.

How dare you, indeed.

The other factor is likely the continued degrading of health infrastructure as a result of the Covid panic.

“The numbers of deaths will be affected by a range of other factors including the cold weather spell in December, the availability of services including emergency care, and the continued effects of some patients’ healthcare needs going unmet during the pandemic,” [Dr Veena Raleigh, senior fellow at the health charity The King’s Fund, said …]

Sir David Spiegelhalter, emeritus professor of statistics at the University of Cambridge, said the large jump in excess deaths before Christmas not linked to Covid-19 “would reflect deaths occurring in mid-December, when there was a very cold spell”.

He added: “Presumably much of this increase is due to the cold.”

The Independent

And yet, we’re supposed to be terrified of a warm climate.

Thanks to the lunatic policies of the climate cult, too many Britons simply cannot afford to heat their homes.

People are dying, Greta. How dare you.


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